Switching Makefile Generator

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Switching Makefile Generator

Post by coder99 »

Currently I am using Codelite to build wxWidgets app with the default 'Codelite Makefile Generator' under Mint.
As I am interested in building a flatpak for at least one of those app, & Flatpak build system does not seem to support that make file generator, I tried to change an existing project from the default to CMake generator, but when I rebuild the project or any of its 2 sub-projects using Cmake, I get an error
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/xxxx/Public/pkg/Codelite/wxSkCr/cmake-build-Debug/wxSkCr

Do I have to restart building the project from scratch?

Win 10/11 64-bit, MSVC 2019/2022, wxWidgets 3.2.1, CodeLite 17.0 Mint 21.2