make -e

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CodeLite Curious
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Re: make -e

Post by jargill »

Actually, what I find that it is doing is it has moved my custom build command and my post-build commands into a new makefile called Here is the contents of that file:

Code: Select all

.PHONY: all
	@make ntouch
	@echo Executing Post Build commands ...
	@cp /home/jgill/videophone/Build/ntouch/release/* /tftpboot
	@cp /home/jgill/videophone/Build/ntouch/release/* /home/jgill/ftp
	@echo Done
And that would be fine if that is all it did. But when it calls this manufactured makefile, that's when it adds its own build options ("-e", "-jN", etc.).

My debug build works because I don't have any post-build commands, so it just runs my own makefile. If I add a post-build command, then it does the same thing with this I wouldn't expect it to add the "-e" when executing this generated makefile, since it's still just supposed to be running my custom commands, right?
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Re: make -e

Post by eranif »

jargill wrote:My debug build works because I don't have any post-build commands
Ah, indeed, I totally forgot about that..
When using post build commands, codelite uses its own makefile to wrap the commands + the post build commands

Thats why I asks for the complete build log in the sticky post here: ... &sk=t&sd=a

Quoting form that post:
2) If it is a Build problem (link error, compilation error etc.):
The *full* 'Build' window output - do not paste portion of the build window output. Its better posting the entire build window output rather than what YOU think is the problem
And yes disabling post/pre build events will fix this for you.

Maybe its time to fix this "hack" ...

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
CodeLite Curious
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Re: make -e

Post by jargill »

Hack or not, it sounds like a bug to me. Wrapping the commands in a generated makefile is fine if it simply runs my commands. But adding extra options to my commands is what breaks me.

For now, I can probably just rename the wrapper makefile and use that as my custom build command. That way, I'll keep my post-build commands by simply not telling Codelite about them.

Thanks for the help.
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Re: make -e

Post by eranif »

FYI, this is now fixed in trunk

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
CodeLite Curious
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Re: make -e

Post by jargill »

Thanks for fixing it quickly. I did notice that my Post-Build command can no longer accept wildcards. If my command is:

Code: Select all

cp sourcedir/* /destdir
I now get an error saying "sourcedir/*" does not exist. If I explicitly spell out each file in the directory, then my Post-Build works.
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