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Feature request-pacage manager for instaling compilers & lib

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:33 pm
by cstudio
I'm not good in setting up compilers and adding non-standard libraries to compilers.
So I'm wondering if you could add package manger to Code Lite which will the same as in Linux install and configure additional software.

I will download normal Code Lite installation and install it on windows. At first run Code Lite will say that I don't have any compiler installed and will open package manger in which I will choose which compiler to install.
When I create project I will have to choose which compiler and libraries I want to use for this project. So any missing libraries or compilers will automatically download and install in Code Lite.

Re: Feature request-pacage manager for instaling compilers & lib

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:13 am
by eranif
compilers and libraries are out of the scope for codelite.
codelite is an IDE not an OS or package manager.

I only provide the tool to use the libraries - you should also note that codelite is *not* a compiler.

As a courtesy to WIndows users, I usually provide 3 installers:
1. The IDE only, no additional tools
2. option 1 + compiler (g++ / MinGW / gdb)
3. option 2 + wxWidgets framework compiled as monolithic DLL for debug / release.

Other than that, codelite will not handle any packages.
There are some package managers that you should try:
1) mingw-get for Windows
2) apt-get / aptitude for Debian base Linuxs
3) yum for RedHat based Linuxs
