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How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:54 am
by CaptainEight

I'm new to using CodeLite. The features say the IDE supports "comment tips" using the doxygen system.

However, I can't see how to make your the comment-documentation appear anywhere in the IDE (apart from the actual comment in the source code, of course).

If I start typing out a function name, for example, the code completion works, and I get a little toolbox with the method signature, but the doxygen comment is not visible. For testing I'm just using, "/** Comment test */" above the function declaration & implementation.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:45 am
by eranif
Well, it should work without any changes / configuration.
Also, there is no need to place comment on top of the implementation, just the declaration.

This is what you should see:
Some code snippet and maybe an image showing what you are experiencing will be helpful

Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:02 pm
by CaptainEight
It's a bit strange.

If I don't start typing the method name (e.g. just foo->), then I get a pop-up list of available options. If I select a method with the arrow keys, they I get the method signature in a yellow-tooltip box with "1 of 2" above, and some arrows. If I click one of the arrows, then the doxygen comments show up.

However, if I start typing the method name, as in your example, then I will only get a tooltip with the method signature. There will be no arrows up the top, and no way to see the comment documentation.

I'm not sure what the arrows and the "1 of 2" mean, but I'd certainly prefer it to just show the method signature, followed by the doxygen comments (as per your example) all the time.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll post some screenshots tomorrow from the office.

Thanks for your help.

Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:02 pm
by CaptainEight
It's a bit strange.

If I don't start typing the method name (e.g. just foo->), then I get a pop-up list of available options. If I select a method with the arrow keys, they I get the method signature in a yellow-tooltip box with "1 of 2" above, and some arrows. If I click one of the arrows, then the doxygen comments show up.

However, if I start typing the method name, as in your example, then I will only get a tooltip with the method signature. There will be no arrows up the top, and no way to see the comment documentation.

I'm not sure what the arrows and the "1 of 2" mean, but I'd certainly prefer it to just show the method signature, followed by the doxygen comments (as per your example) all the time.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll post some screenshots tomorrow from the office.

Thanks for your help.

Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:53 am
by Verax
I'm running into this problem too. I've attached files that, hopefully, illustrate the problem. In the UART.h file, I've added the following Doxygen comments.

Code: Select all

/*! This is the function description
 * \param value  This is the value parameter
 * \return This is the return value
size_t Write(uint8_t value);
/*! This is the function description
 * \param value  This is the value parameter
 * \return This is the return value
size_t Write(uint16_t value);
Here's what I see when typing the function (Code completion looks good, but no comment tips).
Here's what I see when using the "this" pointer. (It's showing my C free functions, and no Doxygen comments appear. I tried to remove these functions from the h and cpp files, but then "this->" displayed nothing)
I did a full retag of the workspace.

I also tried a very simple class, and comment tips appeared well, so there must be something with my UART.h and UART.cpp files.

cpp and h file's are attached (one file due to maximum of 3 attachments). If you need more info or wish me to do some additional testing, just let me know.

CodeLite 5.0.6213 - downloaded from SourceForge (Love it. Thanks)
Windows 8 Pro
Sourcery CodeBench Lite compiler

Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:27 pm
by eranif
What happens if you change the comment block to something like:

/** instead of /*!


Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:47 pm
by Verax
Changed to the following:

Code: Select all

/** This is the function description
 * \param value  This is the value parameter
 * \return This is the return value
size_t Write(uint8_t value);
/** This is the function description
 * \param value  This is the value parameter
 * \return This is the return value
size_t Write(uint16_t value);
... exact same behavior. Rebuilt and re-tagged, but still the same behavior.

Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:14 pm
by eranif
Looking at the source file you attached, it seems like the problem is in the C++ enum class
Just for testing, I changed 'enum class' to 'enum'

Saved the file and it worked

Please open a bug report for this @sourceforge


Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:08 pm
by Verax
Added bug #858 to sourceforge site.

Re: How can I view DoxyGen comments?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:19 pm
by eranif
FYI: the new enum class also breaks the entire page layout, this is why you don't get any completion for: this->
I debugging this atm