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Debuggin on Linux

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:19 pm
by skyline75489
I am using Linux Mint 14. When I try to debug a little program, codelite opens a debug section rather than a normal terminal. This little section is NOT good. It doesnt' stop input. And I can't use Ctrl+D to send EOF. It almost can't work.
I also tried Codelite on Windows 8. However, it opens a norman CMD windows when I try to debug. Anyone can help? I want a normal terminal on Linux, too.

Re: Debuggin on Linux

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:51 pm
by eranif
skyline75489 wrote: It doesnt' stop input
Can you explain what does it means?
I want a normal terminal on Linux, too.
You can't do that atm. There is already a feature request opened for this


Re: Debuggin on Linux

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:17 pm
by skyline75489
eranif wrote:
skyline75489 wrote: It doesnt' stop input
Can you explain what does it means?
I didn't make it clear. My apologies.
When using Code::Blocks for debugging, you can't directly type in the terminal. Precisely speaking, you can do the typing. But the characters won't show until there is a "scanf("%s",str)" or something. They will first be placed in the keyboard buffer. However in the debugging section of CodeLite, I can do all the typing freely, just like in any text editor. This is kind of strange.

I really like CodeLite. The clang support and clang completion are amazing. It's definitely better than Code::Blocks. If the Debugging problem on Linux is fixed, it will be even better.

By the way, is LLDB(the debugger of clang) support in the developers' consideration? As far as I know, there isn't any IDE supporting LLDB except Apple's Xcode. I don't really know why. But somehow I think clang with LLDB is better than gcc with gdb.

Re: Debuggin on Linux

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:34 pm
by eranif
skyline75489 wrote:By the way, is LLDB(the debugger of clang) support in the developers' consideration
Funny you mention this, since I am exchanging emails about this with another person who requested this.
LLDB is definitely on the roadmap, since OSX no longer provide gdb (they "stuck" on gdb 6.3.5) and only lldb will be available in the future.
skyline75489 wrote:This is kind of strange.
This was the intention, it was mainly developed to overcome OSX problems with their Terminal application...
However, I find it very useful and handy...


Re: Debuggin on Linux

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:00 pm
by skyline75489
skyline75489 wrote:This is kind of strange.
Well, actually the biggest problem is that I can't send EOF using Ctrl+D. I have to use something like "while(scanf("%d %d",&M.&N) == 2))" (USACO Training, you know). I can't end the while loop, which means I almost can't do debugging. Or perhaps I just didn't find the correct way to do this? Any way out?

Re: Debuggin on Linux

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:53 pm
by Jarod42
a possible work-around would be to use

Code: Select all

myexe < inputfile

Re: Debuggin on Linux

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:37 pm
by eranif
skyline75489 wrote:I can't end the while loop, which means I almost can't do debugging. Or perhaps I just didn't find the correct way to do this? Any way out?
Why not simply clicking on the pause button in the debugger toolbar inside codelite?
It will send SIGINT to the debuggee process and will interrupt it
