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Using CodeLite with remote GDB target on emulator

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:06 pm
by Bim
I have a CodeLite project using a MakeFile that compiles a GameBoy Advance /ARM binary that is run in an emulator (VBA-M) that can be used with GDB remote debugging.
I can perfectly run the binary from within CodeLite using the project settings -> common settings -> general, putting the emulator path in the "program" to run field, and the GBA binary in the "program arguments" field. This does not work with the debugger though. When enabling remote debugging under project settings -> common settings -> debugger (adress localhost:5555) the debugger starts, but uses the emulators EXE as the target binary. Also the emulator is not starting as is does in "run mode"...

Oh. I'm on Windows 7 x64 and use an installed CodeLite 5.4 if that matters...

Any ideas? Best Regards,
