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Portion of Code Completion dialog is inaccessible

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 8:23 pm
by lifepower
I'm using CodeLite 9.1.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 x64, under multi-monitor setup. On such setup, I'm using CodeLite on left (red) display in portrait orientation as shown below:
multi-mon setup.png
The issue is that from time to time, CodeLite dialogs grow in size sporadically, sometimes getting too tall so you cannot move or close them anymore - this can be avoided by resizing them to proper size from time to time, before it's too late. Sometimes when dialog gets unusable, restarting CodeLite allows it to appear well enough to be able to resize it back to normal size.

However, my current main issue is with Code Completion dialog, where its left side is completely inaccessible. After using it once, it grew to full display width and its options on the left have reduced almost to zero and I can't get them to reappear. Restarting CodeLite doesn't help. The screenshot is attached below:
CodeLite Code Completion.png
Is there anything I can do to restore left side of dialog?

Re: Portion of Code Completion dialog is inaccessible

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 9:14 pm
by eranif
Does resizing the dialog fixes this? (it works for me on Debian 8 with lxde)

Re: Portion of Code Completion dialog is inaccessible

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 10:17 pm
by lifepower
Actually, resizing is what I attempted first, but no, while resizing, left side remains with what looks like zero width, whereas height does seem to change (but that doesn't help).

P.S. Maximizing window doesn't help, using "restore default layout" in Perspective doesn't fix it either.

Re: Portion of Code Completion dialog is inaccessible

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 11:46 pm
by eranif
I have seen it before in other dialogs, the solution was _not_ to use wxTreeCtrlBook
I guess I will have to do the same for this dialog as well


Re: Portion of Code Completion dialog is inaccessible

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 12:55 am
by lifepower
Thanks, but is there a way to somehow revert this dialog for now? Should I reinstall CodeLite? Or is there a some known location where dialog UI last position/size is saved to? (so I can try deleting those)

Re: Portion of Code Completion dialog is inaccessible

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 9:07 pm
by eranif
It seems a bug in wxWidgets (CodeLite is using a standard wxWidgets control called: "wxTreeBookCtrl")
So there is nothing that you can do about this for now - unless you use a different window manager (lxde, xfce, kde etc)


Re: Portion of Code Completion dialog is inaccessible

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 11:49 am
by eranif
Fixed this in git master.
You can build CodeLite from sources (an easy task on Linux):


Re: Portion of Code Completion dialog is inaccessible

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 8:38 pm
by lifepower
I've built CodeLite from GitHub sources and Code Completion dialog now appears to be using tabs and is working properly. Many thanks!