Code Generation / Refactoring

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IDE Question: C++

Code Generation / Refactoring

Post by Netzschleicher »


i now updated to CodeLite 15.0.10 and it works fine in first tests.
But now i had an issue by inserting an new Class Method to my a Class in my Project.
My Header-File looks like this:

Code: Select all

#ifndef CPMTOOLS_H
#define CPMTOOLS_H
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string>
#include <utime.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <wx/arrstr.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CpmGuiInterface;
class wxString;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CpmTools {

public:     // Attributes

public:     // Methods
    void setImageType(wxString typeName);
    void setImageFile(wxString fileName);
    void showDirectory();
    void deleteFile(wxArrayString files);
    void renameFile(wxString oldName, wxString newName);
    void setFileAttributes(wxString name, int attributes);
    void setFileProtections(wxString name, int protections);
    bool getBootTracksEnabled();
    void createNewImage(wxString label, bool useTimeStamps, wxString bootTrackFile);
    void checkImage(bool doRepair);

public:     // Constructor & Destructor
    CpmTools(CpmGuiInterface *intf);

protected:  // Event Methods

private:    // Attributes
    typedef int cpm_attr_t;

    typedef struct {
        bool opened;
        int secLength;
        int tracks;
        int sectrk;
        off_t offset;
        FILE *file;
    } Device_t;

    typedef struct {
        ino_t ino;
        mode_t mode;
        off_t size;
        cpm_attr_t attr;
        time_t atime;
        time_t mtime;
        time_t ctime;
    } CpmInode_t;

    typedef struct {
        char status;
        char name[8];
        char ext[3];
        char extnol;
        char lrc;
        char extnoh;
        char blkcnt;
        char pointers[16];
    } PhysDirectoryEntry_t;

    typedef struct {
        char year;
        char month;
        char day;
        char hour;
        char minute;
    } DsEntry_t;

    typedef struct {
        DsEntry_t create;
        DsEntry_t access;
        DsEntry_t modify;
        char checksum;
    } DsDate_t;

    typedef struct {
        int secLength;
        int tracks;
        int sectrk;
        int blksiz;
        int maxdir;
        int skew;
        int boottrk;
        off_t offset;
        int type;
        int size;
        int extents; /* logical extents per physical extent */
        int *skewtab;
        PhysDirectoryEntry_t *dir;
        int alvSize;
        int *alv;
        int cnotatime;
        char *label;
        size_t labelLength;
        char *passwd;
        size_t passwdLength;
        int dirtyDirectory;
        DsDate_t *ds;
        int dirtyDs;
    } CpmSuperBlock_t;

    typedef struct {
        mode_t mode;
        off_t pos;
        CpmInode_t *ino;
    } CpmFile_t;

    typedef struct {
        ino_t ino;
        off_t off;
        size_t reclen;
        char name[2 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 1]; /* 00foobarxy.zzy\0 */
    } CpmDirent_t;

    typedef struct {
        ino_t ino;
        mode_t mode;
        off_t size;
        time_t atime;
        time_t mtime;
        time_t ctime;
    } CpmStat_t;

    typedef struct {
        long f_bsize;
        long f_blocks;
        long f_bfree;
        long f_bused;
        long f_bavail;
        long f_files;
        long f_ffree;
        long f_namelen;
    } CpmStatFS_t;

    CpmGuiInterface *guiintf;
    Device_t device;
    CpmSuperBlock_t drive;
    CpmInode_t root;
    wxString imageTypeName;
    wxString imageFileName;
    const char *err;
    const char *cmd;
    mode_t s_ifdir = 1;
    mode_t s_ifreg = 1;

    const char *month[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };

private:    // Methods
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Basic File Input/Output
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const char *deviceOpen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
    void deviceSetGeometry(int secLength, int sectrk, int tracks, long offset);
    const char *deviceClose();
    const char *deviceReadSector(int track, int sector, char *buffer);
    const char *deviceWriteSector(int track, int sector, const char *buffer);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // CP/M File-System
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void memcpy7(char *dest, const char *src, int count);
    int splitFilename(const char *fullname, int type, char *name, char *ext, int *user);
    int isMatching(int user1, const char *name1, const char *ext1, int user2, const char *name2, const char *ext2);
    time_t cpm2unix_time(int days, int hour, int min);
    void unix2cpm_time(time_t now, int *days, int *hour, int *min);
    time_t ds2unix_time(const DsEntry_t *entry);
    void unix2ds_time(time_t now, DsEntry_t *entry);
    void alvInit();
    int allocBlock();
    int readBlock(int blockno, char *buffer, int start, int end);
    int writeBlock(int blockno, const char *buffer, int start, int end);
    int findFileExtent(int user, const char *name, const char *ext, int start, int extno);
    int findFreeExtent();
    void updateTimeStamps(const CpmInode_t *ino, int extent);
    void updateDsStamps(const CpmInode_t *ino, int extent);
    int readTimeStamps(CpmInode_t *i, int lowestExt);
    void readDsStamps(CpmInode_t *i, int lowestExt);
    int recmatch(const char *a, const char *pattern);
    int match(const char *a, const char *pattern);
    void cpmglob(const char *argv, int *gargc, char ***gargv);
    int diskdefReadSuper(const char *format);
    int amsReadSuper(const char *format);
    int cpmCheckDs();
    int cpmReadSuper(const char *format);
    int syncDs();
    int cpmSync();
    void cpmUmount();
    int cpmNamei(const char *filename, CpmInode_t *i);
    void cpmStatFS(CpmStatFS_t *buf);
    int cpmUnlink(const char *fname);
    int cpmRename(const char *oldname, const char *newname);
    int cpmOpendir(CpmFile_t *dirp);
    int cpmReaddir(CpmFile_t *dir, CpmDirent_t *ent);
    void cpmStat(const CpmInode_t *ino, CpmStat_t *buf);
    int cpmOpen(CpmInode_t *ino, CpmFile_t *file, mode_t mode);
    int cpmRead(CpmFile_t *file, char *buf, int count);
    int cpmWrite(CpmFile_t *file, const char *buf, int count);
    int cpmClose(CpmFile_t *file);
    int cpmCreat(CpmInode_t *dir, const char *fname, CpmInode_t *ino, mode_t mode);
    int cpmAttrGet(CpmInode_t *ino, cpm_attr_t *attrib);
    int cpmAttrSet(CpmInode_t *ino, cpm_attr_t attrib);
    int cpmProtSet(CpmInode_t *ino, mode_t pmode);
    void cpmUtime(CpmInode_t *ino, utimbuf *times);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // CP/M Tool-Functions
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static int namecmp(const void *a, const void *b);
    int getUserNumber(const char *filename);
    void convertFilename(const char *filename, char *cpmname);
    int bcdCheck(int n, int max, const char *msg, const char *unit, int extent1, int extent2);
    int pwdCheck(int extent, const char *pwd, char decode);
    int ask(const char *msg);
    char *prfile(int extent);
    int mkfs(const char *format, const char *label, char *bootTracks, int timeStamps);
    int fsck(const char *image, bool repair);


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // CPMTOOLS_H

Now i insert the declaration for a new Class Method after the

Code: Select all

int fsck(const char *image, bool repair);

declaration and want to 'Add Function Implementation' or
'Implement all Un-Implemented Functions' i get the Error

'Add Functions Implementation' can only work inside valid scope,
got (<global>)

When i rearranged the Header-File like this:

Code: Select all

#ifndef CPMTOOLS_H
#define CPMTOOLS_H
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string>
#include <utime.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <wx/arrstr.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CpmGuiInterface;
class wxString;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CpmTools {

public:     // Methods
    void setImageType(wxString typeName);
    void setImageFile(wxString fileName);
    void showDirectory();
    void deleteFile(wxArrayString files);
    void renameFile(wxString oldName, wxString newName);
    void setFileAttributes(wxString name, int attributes);
    void setFileProtections(wxString name, int protections);
    bool getBootTracksEnabled();
    void createNewImage(wxString label, bool useTimeStamps, wxString bootTrackFile);
    void checkImage(bool doRepair);

private:    // Methods
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Basic File Input/Output
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const char *deviceOpen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
    void deviceSetGeometry(int secLength, int sectrk, int tracks, long offset);
    const char *deviceClose();
    const char *deviceReadSector(int track, int sector, char *buffer);
    const char *deviceWriteSector(int track, int sector, const char *buffer);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // CP/M File-System
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void memcpy7(char *dest, const char *src, int count);
    int splitFilename(const char *fullname, int type, char *name, char *ext, int *user);
    int isMatching(int user1, const char *name1, const char *ext1, int user2, const char *name2, const char *ext2);
    time_t cpm2unix_time(int days, int hour, int min);
    void unix2cpm_time(time_t now, int *days, int *hour, int *min);
    time_t ds2unix_time(const DsEntry_t *entry);
    void unix2ds_time(time_t now, DsEntry_t *entry);
    void alvInit();
    int allocBlock();
    int readBlock(int blockno, char *buffer, int start, int end);
    int writeBlock(int blockno, const char *buffer, int start, int end);
    int findFileExtent(int user, const char *name, const char *ext, int start, int extno);
    int findFreeExtent();
    void updateTimeStamps(const CpmInode_t *ino, int extent);
    void updateDsStamps(const CpmInode_t *ino, int extent);
    int readTimeStamps(CpmInode_t *i, int lowestExt);
    void readDsStamps(CpmInode_t *i, int lowestExt);
    int recmatch(const char *a, const char *pattern);
    int match(const char *a, const char *pattern);
    void cpmglob(const char *argv, int *gargc, char ***gargv);
    int diskdefReadSuper(const char *format);
    int amsReadSuper(const char *format);
    int cpmCheckDs();
    int cpmReadSuper(const char *format);
    int syncDs();
    int cpmSync();
    void cpmUmount();
    int cpmNamei(const char *filename, CpmInode_t *i);
    void cpmStatFS(CpmStatFS_t *buf);
    int cpmUnlink(const char *fname);
    int cpmRename(const char *oldname, const char *newname);
    int cpmOpendir(CpmFile_t *dirp);
    int cpmReaddir(CpmFile_t *dir, CpmDirent_t *ent);
    void cpmStat(const CpmInode_t *ino, CpmStat_t *buf);
    int cpmOpen(CpmInode_t *ino, CpmFile_t *file, mode_t mode);
    int cpmRead(CpmFile_t *file, char *buf, int count);
    int cpmWrite(CpmFile_t *file, const char *buf, int count);
    int cpmClose(CpmFile_t *file);
    int cpmCreat(CpmInode_t *dir, const char *fname, CpmInode_t *ino, mode_t mode);
    int cpmAttrGet(CpmInode_t *ino, cpm_attr_t *attrib);
    int cpmAttrSet(CpmInode_t *ino, cpm_attr_t attrib);
    int cpmProtSet(CpmInode_t *ino, mode_t pmode);
    void cpmUtime(CpmInode_t *ino, utimbuf *times);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // CP/M Tool-Functions
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static int namecmp(const void *a, const void *b);
    int getUserNumber(const char *filename);
    void convertFilename(const char *filename, char *cpmname);
    int bcdCheck(int n, int max, const char *msg, const char *unit, int extent1, int extent2);
    int pwdCheck(int extent, const char *pwd, char decode);
    int ask(const char *msg);
    char *prfile(int extent);
    int mkfs(const char *format, const char *label, char *bootTracks, int timeStamps);
    int fsck(const char *image, bool repair);

public:     // Constructor & Destructor
    CpmTools(CpmGuiInterface *intf);

protected:  // Event Methods

public:     // Attributes

private:    // Attributes
    typedef int cpm_attr_t;

    typedef struct {
        bool opened;
        int secLength;
        int tracks;
        int sectrk;
        off_t offset;
        FILE *file;
    } Device_t;

    typedef struct {
        ino_t ino;
        mode_t mode;
        off_t size;
        cpm_attr_t attr;
        time_t atime;
        time_t mtime;
        time_t ctime;
    } CpmInode_t;

    typedef struct {
        char status;
        char name[8];
        char ext[3];
        char extnol;
        char lrc;
        char extnoh;
        char blkcnt;
        char pointers[16];
    } PhysDirectoryEntry_t;

    typedef struct {
        char year;
        char month;
        char day;
        char hour;
        char minute;
    } DsEntry_t;

    typedef struct {
        DsEntry_t create;
        DsEntry_t access;
        DsEntry_t modify;
        char checksum;
    } DsDate_t;

    typedef struct {
        int secLength;
        int tracks;
        int sectrk;
        int blksiz;
        int maxdir;
        int skew;
        int boottrk;
        off_t offset;
        int type;
        int size;
        int extents; /* logical extents per physical extent */
        int *skewtab;
        PhysDirectoryEntry_t *dir;
        int alvSize;
        int *alv;
        int cnotatime;
        char *label;
        size_t labelLength;
        char *passwd;
        size_t passwdLength;
        int dirtyDirectory;
        DsDate_t *ds;
        int dirtyDs;
    } CpmSuperBlock_t;

    typedef struct {
        mode_t mode;
        off_t pos;
        CpmInode_t *ino;
    } CpmFile_t;

    typedef struct {
        ino_t ino;
        off_t off;
        size_t reclen;
        char name[2 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 1]; /* 00foobarxy.zzy\0 */
    } CpmDirent_t;

    typedef struct {
        ino_t ino;
        mode_t mode;
        off_t size;
        time_t atime;
        time_t mtime;
        time_t ctime;
    } CpmStat_t;

    typedef struct {
        long f_bsize;
        long f_blocks;
        long f_bfree;
        long f_bused;
        long f_bavail;
        long f_files;
        long f_ffree;
        long f_namelen;
    } CpmStatFS_t;

    CpmGuiInterface *guiintf;
    Device_t device;
    CpmSuperBlock_t drive;
    CpmInode_t root;
    wxString imageTypeName;
    wxString imageFileName;
    const char *err;
    const char *cmd;
    mode_t s_ifdir = 1;
    mode_t s_ifreg = 1;

    const char *month[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // CPMTOOLS_H

'Add Function Implementation' or 'Implement all Un-Implemented Functions' work as expected.
Is this a Bug, or must i arrange my Header-Files like the last one?
Can anyone give me a hint?


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Re: Code Generation / Refactoring

Post by eranif »

it should not matter the order as long you right click inside a the body of the class.
I did fix a bug that randomly it does not recognize the body at first click but it works on the second or third
A fix will be released with 15.0.11

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
CodeLite Enthusiast
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IDE Question: C++

Re: Code Generation / Refactoring

Post by Netzschleicher »

Thank you for the fast answer.
I will go on Programming and wait for the next CodeLite Release.

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