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Quick-Debug, set the dynamic library search path!

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:05 am
by Jayden0527
Hi, I want to use CodeLite's "Quick-Debug" to debug a project which is create by Other -->Custom Makefile , but it can't "Step Into" some shared library functions, if i use gdb in shell terminal can "Step Into", How to set the specified dynamic library search path fo CodeLite? Thanks!

Re: Quick-Debug, set the dynamic library search path!

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:24 am
by eranif
- Which version of codelite?
- Please enable debugger logging, and paste it here (enable it from the menu: 'Settings | Debugger Settings | enable full debugger logging')

Try to debug again, this time, codelite will print the libraries it is loading - so you can make sure that gdb is loading the correct ones

If you are still having difficulties please paste the debugging log here


Re: Quick-Debug, set the dynamic library search path!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:12 pm
by Jayden0527
Thank you Eran, the CodeLite version i use is 3365, but i test it in version 3498, it also have this problem.

it can be fixed in this way:
1、install the shared lib to some directory(for example:/opt/ffmpeg/lib)
2、set environment LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ffmpeg/lib in Quick-Debug's Startup Command, then gdb can load the correct library,otherwise gdb will load the library which can be find in the system's standard shared library search path or tip can not find dynamic library.

the reason of gdb can debug but can't "Step Into" some shared library functions is i had install the shared library in /usr/loacl/ffmpeg/lib(this library is not have debug symbol) and i set /usr/loacl/ffmpeg/lib in /etc/

But I can't understand is the project have these libraries, GDB why not use it but to find it in system standards shared library search path ? Thanks!

Re: Quick-Debug, set the dynamic library search path!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:29 pm
by eranif
codelite does not interfere with the system paths.
the only reason i can think of, is that you launched codelite from the menu or maybe from the desktop, try launching it from the shell by typing 'codelite'
this way, codelite will inherit the environment of the shell and should behave the same as running gdb from the command line
