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Some changes in findresultstab

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:12 am
by Xavi

I would like to share these changes in the standard sources.
replaceinfilespanel needs to receive SCN_MARGINCLICK, also adjustments and clean some minor warnings.
Attached with clstd.patch

With some fonts don't distinguish well the bold status in major changes.
Would be possible to emphasize with color change: i.e. clmaybe.patch

TIA Cheers,

Re: Some changes in findresultstab

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:19 am
by eranif

I applied 1 patch and changed the other:

the warning patch / margin sensitivity was applied as is, however the 'RED' colour for the "Active Project" is not such a good idea.
(try using is under different themes (e.g. Ubuntu 10.04, which has a dark theme) does not yield a good results)
What I did instead is provided new icon to the active project to make it more clear

Another note about the warnings: the majority of the warnings you fixed comes from a generated code (yacc / wxformBuilder) so once the grammar file/wxFormBuilder project settings will be modified, they will pop up again


Re: Some changes in findresultstab

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:42 pm
by Xavi
Hi Eran,

Okay. Yes of course, thanks.
Perhaps it is better to change the generators.

BTW, I don't know how to change or where are the root sources of wxScintilla if exist: xCode is an older version; CL, CB are different and adapted. This needed x64 changes as CB and I use the improvements of Scintilla 2.12 LexFlagship (Harbour) as usual.


Re: Some changes in findresultstab

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:58 pm
by eranif
Xavi wrote:Perhaps it is better to change the generators.
wxFormBuilder - its not something I can change in the settings - this is how it generates the code - probably a bug in the tool itself
for the yacc warnings: same thing, it produces some code which is not "configurable" via the grammar file - bug in the tool itself
Xavi wrote:BTW, I don't know how to change or where are the root sources of wxScintilla if exist
codelite maintains its own set of wxScintilla's sources. You can find them under:
scintilla's sources: <CODELITE_SOURCE_DIR>/sdk/wxscintilla/src/scintilla/src
wxSCintilla's sources: <CODELITE_SOURCE_DIR>/sdk/wxscintilla/src/
