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Feature Request : Jump to definitions and declarations

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:55 am
by rajah
Hi Eran,

I know that you can right click and jump to a function definition
or declaration. I can set up short cuts to do the same. I was wondering
if I can suggest a feature that is very useful in one of the other editors
I have used before (codewright).
In codewright, when you mouse over a function you get little tool tip.

The tool tip says
f(x) - <function name ()>
f() - <function name ()>

If you click on f(x) you jump to declaration and clicking on f() will take
you to the definition. This is also true for Enum, Structs, Macros etc.

Keep up the great work!

Re: Feature Request : Jump to definitions and declarations

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:34 am
by eranif
rajah wrote:In codewright, when you mouse over a function you get little tool tip
this part is also true for codelite - 'Settings -> Tags Settings ...'
rajah wrote:If you click on f(x) you jump to declaration and clicking on f() will take
you to the definition. This is also true for Enum, Structs, Macros etc.
Please submit a feature request here: ... tid=979963