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patch for some minor spell mistake.and some missing msgid

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:22 pm
by dengxf
1. whitepsace_invisible ==> whitespace_invisible
2. whitepsace_always ==> whitespace_always
3. wxT("' =====\n") ==> _("' =====\n"), the char (') has corresponding chinese char.
4. wxT("matches =====") ==> wxT("====="), because word "matches" appears before.
5. "Visible After First Indent" ==> "Visible After Indent", should make the two consistent?
6. add some missing msgid to codelite.pot

and... I found that there are still some string should be translated...

for more detail, please see the patch.

Re: patch for some minor spell mistake.and some missing msgid

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:54 pm
by DavidGH

Thank you for your input.
1. whitepsace_invisible ==> whitespace_invisible
There are quite a few typos in symbols like this, which aren't visible to the user. They can be corrected, of course, but it's not very important.
3. wxT("' =====\n") ==> _("' =====\n"), the char (') has corresponding chinese char.
I didn't mark "' =====\n" for translation, as I didn't there would be a sensible translation. Thanks for telling us :) .
4. wxT("matches =====") ==> wxT("====="), because word "matches" appears before.
Oops, that's a definite mistake!
-<label>Visible After First Indent</label>
+<label>Visible After Indent</label>
Hmm, I see what you mean: the current behaviour is to show whitespace only after <however many> indents, not just skipping one. I don't know if that's intentional or a bug. Eran?
6. add some missing msgid to codelite.pot
Thank you for noticing these. They are from places where _() can't safely be used; but I had missed using wxTRANSLATE.

I've regenerated codelite.pot, and will send a patch to Eran.

