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Request: All Configurations

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:05 am
by rioki
Hallo all,

I basically use the "standard" debug/release configuration for CodeLite on Windows. As it turns out 90% of the settings are applicable to release and debug, such as link dependencies or include paths. Although blindly following Visual Studio is not a good idea; they have the configuration option "All Configurations" in their settings manager. This gives the option to set settings for all configurations at the same time. The settings are displayed fully if all configurations have the same value and "uncertain" of they differ. I have been often stumbling over "bugs" where I set an option on only one configuration and not the other and this is really annoying. Before blindly posting a feature request I wanted to ask, is that even feasible and wanted behavior or do the gurus of CodeLite have an other point of view. I am willing to provide a patch with the change if that helps...


Re: Request: All Configurations

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:24 am
by jfouche

CodeLite already provide this deature, called "Global settings" in the project setting. You'll be able to manage compiler and linker options which will be used for all configurations. Maybe it can be renamed as "All configurations".