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svn output window is inconvenient

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:17 am
by elkvis
the SVN output window used to be in the output view at the bottom, but in a recent update, it was moved to be a part of the svn tab in the workspace view. it is extremely inconvenient to have it there, as it is not wide enough to be useful, unless I stretch the workspace view to cover half of my screen. users with smaller screens will probably find this especially inconvenient. how can I put it back in the output view where (in my opinion) it belongs?

Re: svn output window is inconvenient

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:08 am
by eranif
how can I put it back in the output view where (in my opinion) it belongs?
You cant

If you want a "full screen" SVN, you can create a new perspective.

1) Right click on the SVN tab and select "Detach"
2) Dock it somewhere
3) Hide all other panes in the IDE by clicking their 'x' button (output, workspace)
4) Resize the SVN to fit the whole screen
5) From the menu: "Perspective -> Save current layout as" and name it "Svn" (or anything you want)

You can now switch to the new perspective from the menu "Perspective"

Re: svn output window is inconvenient

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:18 pm
by elkvis
That is one option, I guess, but I really want to separate the svn output window from the svn tab. It is basically a console output window, and I feel that it belongs with the other output windows. I'm a little curious about why this was done to begin with. In every other IDE that I've used, the SVN output window is not a part of the SVN status window.

perhaps in a future version, you could make an option on the subversion2 settings screen for where to put the output window.

Re: svn output window is inconvenient

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:23 pm
by eranif
elkvis wrote:perhaps in a future version, you could make an option on the subversion2 settings screen for where to put the output window.
Don't count on it..

Of course, patches to make it configurable - are welcomed


Re: svn output window is inconvenient

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:50 pm
by elkvis
to be honest, I'd sooner switch to a different IDE that already works the way I want it to, rather than start messing around in the source. in any case, this isn't a really big deal - just an inconvenience for me.