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Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:30 am
by jfouche
Hi Eran

Trying to help you to enhance codelite, I began to make documentation for developpers (like me) who would try to understand the sources. Based on doxygen, it's a actually a html help (or more...). I'm writting some headers for main and related pages (actually about what I know, but still in progress of course).
I would like to know if this could be helpfull for you to have a doc directory in the sources ?

Re: Documentation

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:50 pm
by eranif
Hi Jeremie,

I dont have 'doc' folder, but I will be happy to add one :D
Just let me know what you need.

Re: Documentation

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:40 pm
by jfouche
Hi Eran

As I will be far from a good internet connection during at least 2 weeks, I begin with the following directory structure :

Code: Select all

 |- ...
 |- doc
 |   |- doxyfile
 |   |- pages
 |   |   |- main.h
 |   |   |- plugin.h
 |   |   |- settings.h
 |   |   |- ...
I will provide some patches on this topic.
Tell me if you agree
See you

Re: Documentation

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:04 pm
by jfouche
Hi Eran

Here is a (very) begining. You can have a look (try notebook), but don't apply it now, because I need some more thinking about it.
Give me your feedback.
What 'doxygen groups' seems to be good for you :
- Settings (project, layout, ..., all files written by CodeLite)
- Code completion (Maybe your first 'CodeLite doxygen group')
- UI (Maybe your LiteEditor group)
- plugins
- ?

My first job will be to remove warnings...

Re: Documentation

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:08 pm
by eranif
jfouche wrote:What 'doxygen groups' seems to be good for you :
I would set the following groups (by project):
UI - LiteEditor project
CodeLite - Code Completion
plugins_sdk, Interfaces - SDK

The other projects should not be documented since they are either plugins and probably wont be an interest for other people who wishes to extend codelite, or 3rd party libraries (sqlite3, wxScintilla and wxpropgrid)

For the documentation- it looks good.

wxVB_BG_GRADIENT - when set, paints the tab bar with gradient colour
wxVB_BORDER - when set, draws a 1pxiel width border around the tab bar
