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Updated project templates

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:06 pm
by marfi
Hi Eran,
I've updated some existing project templates distributed with the CL and created one new. You can find them in the attachment. The changes are following:
- Fixed hard coded output file name in some templates
- Fixed compiler and linker flags in some templates (no console window in GUI apps in Windows, compiler/linker optimizations, ...)
- Added sample code to wx-enabled static/dynamic library templates
- Added new template for dynamic wx-enabled library for Windows (producing not only *.dll, but also *.a file)
- Fixed template name and icon in QMake console project

All modified templates have been tested on MS Windows XP SP3 (wxWidgets 2.8.9, MinGW 4.3.2) and Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (wxWidgets 2.8.10, GCC 4.2.4). Please, could you add the templates to the CL's repository?

Thank you!
Best regards

Re: Updated project templates

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:14 pm
by eranif

