Feature request : SVN

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Feature request : SVN

Post by samueldotj »

Hi Eran,

I am using CodeLite(Rev 1927) on Windows XP(SP2) and subversion as source control for my project.

Today my team mate added a new file to the subversion. So during SVN update, I got the file from SVN server to the local folder. However it is not reflected in CodeLite’s project space. So can you kindly add an option to include the new files coming from SVN to project workspace?

Because of SVN update, if any files state changes to conflict, there is no easy way to fix inside CodeLite. Can you add a option for this in SVN menu, so that a external program can be invoked to resolve the conflict.

Also in workspace view, if right click on folder and select add existing item, the folder browser starts at Projects directory. It would be nice, if it starts from the folder on which I clicked Add item.

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Re: Feature request : SVN

Post by eranif »

samueldotj wrote:Today my team mate added a new file to the subversion. So during SVN update, I got the file from SVN server to the local folder. However it is not reflected in CodeLite’s project space.
Of course it wont. The layout of the workspace view is saved in the .workspace/.project files. If these files were not modified, CodeLite will not add them - it does not know where to add it. I am suspecting that your team mate is not using CodeLite - otherwise you would have received the updated workspace as well, and CodeLite would have reloaded the workspace for you with the new files - your best bet here is to convert your team mate to switch to CodeLite ;)
samueldotj wrote:Also in workspace view, if right click on folder and select add existing item, the folder browser starts at Projects directory. It would be nice, if it starts from the folder on which I clicked Add item.
You are mixing between 'VirtualDirectories' and real folders here.
The so called directories you see in the workspace view are not physical directories, but 'Virtual' ones. They dont have any relation whatsoever to the disk, so there is no 'Directory' to start from but the project's one
samueldotj wrote:Because of SVN update, if any files state changes to conflict, there is no easy way to fix inside CodeLite. Can you add a option for this in SVN menu, so that a external program can be invoked to resolve the conflict.
this is almost feasible:
Open 'Plugins -> Subversion -> Options...'

Set an external diff tool there (I am using AraxisMerge), from the 'File Explorer' tab, right click on your file and select 'Diff' - this will trigger the external program for you with 2 files: the current file and the one from the repository - merge all changes to your local copy and save it. The only thing missing now, is simply calling 'svn resolved <file_name>'

Anyways, make sure you add it as feature request here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_i ... tid=979963

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Re: Feature request : SVN

Post by samueldotj »

Of course it wont. The layout of the workspace view is saved in the .workspace/.project files. If these files were not modified, CodeLite will not add them - it does not know where to add it. I am suspecting that your team mate is not using CodeLite - otherwise you would have received the updated workspace as well, and CodeLite would have reloaded the workspace for you with the new files - your best bet here is to convert your team mate to switch to CodeLite ;)
Is not possible to ask the user if a new file is added by SVN. Anyway I am trying to convert my team mate :)
Anyways, make sure you add it as feature request here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_i ... tid=979963

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Re: Feature request : SVN

Post by eranif »

samueldotj wrote:Is not possible to ask the user if a new file is added by SVN. Anyway I am trying to convert my team mate :)
What if your team mate(s) added, say, 15 files - should codelite prompt you for each and every one of them? kinda annoying if you ask me ...

I am open for suggestions.

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