Adding LINT

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Adding LINT

Post by Joash29 »


I've been testing out a few IDEs lately and have settled on has everything :) ..i just need to integrate LINT now..Has anybody done it before?
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Re: Adding LINT

Post by eranif »

Forgive my ignorance, but what does LINT does?
How do you invoke it?

If you could tell some details here, I will be able to help you out.

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Re: Adding LINT

Post by Joash29 »
PC Lint is commercial software that we use at work to check source code for discrepancies, basically a static code analyzer. Its been setup a long time ago and I've been through the manual but I cant make head or tail of it at the moment. Ive managed to setup the tool to lint a single file, but that means every function defined outside that c file throws an error. Is there an open source alternative?

Thanks for you time
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Re: Adding LINT

Post by eranif »

You could try and run 'CppCheck'.
codelite has a plugin for it, and it should work out of the box.

Right click on your workspace / project and select -> 'CppCheck -> Run CppCheck'

This will perform a static code analyze of your workspace/project

Also, using the 'External Tools' plugin, you may consider the macros:

$(ProjectFiles) and $(ProjectFilesAbs) - the first one expands to a relative path and the later to absolute path

Those 2 macro will expand to a full space delimited list of the project files (the active project)

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: Adding LINT

Post by Joash29 »

Thanks :D ..CppCheck is helpful..
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