CodeLite 9.2.6 is available

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CodeLite 9.2.6 is available

Post by eranif »


CodeLite version 9.2.6 is available for downloaded

This version introduces the new "workspace folders" to the C++ workspace which allows the user to gather a group of projects in folders (virtual ones, not physical ones)

The following platforms are supported in this release:
  • Windows 64 bit
  • Ubuntu 14.04/64 bit deb file (also works for Debian 8 and Linux Mint 17)
  • Ubuntu 16.04/64 bit deb file
  • OSX 10.12 and later bundle
Linux Users: to install the deb file, you will need to uninstall any old version of CodeLite you might have installed:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install gdebi
sudo apt-get purge codelite wxcrafter
sudo gdebi /path/to/codelite/deb/file

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Re: CodeLite 9.2.6 is available

Post by rp42 »


Please could you check the Os X weekly tar file ( It looks like I'm getting a truncated download here:

$ tar tzf
tar: Truncated input file (needed 15840256 bytes, only 0 available)

$ md5 downloads.php\?osx_weekly
MD5 (downloads.php?osx_weekly) = 6403e0789cdbf636ab63e6c351001472
MD5 ( = 6403e0789cdbf636ab63e6c351001472

$ ls -l downloads.php\?osx_weekly
-rw-r--r--@ 1 rhparry staff 54198272 31 Oct 09:33
-rw-r--r-- 1 rhparry staff 54198272 31 Oct 09:39 downloads.php?osx_weekly

I've tried downloading using both Firefox and wget.

Thanks for a great IDE!
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Re: CodeLite 9.2.6 is available

Post by ColinTaylor »

The change to add (virtual) Workspace Folders is excellent - are you planning to add commands such as Clean/Build/Rebuild Workspace Folder, or is that a very complex thing to add?
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Re: CodeLite 9.2.6 is available

Post by eranif »

Code: Select all

Please could you check the Os X weekly tar file
Thanks for reporting this, just opened my MacBook and noticed that the transfer was interrupted in the middle
uploading a new build now

I have uploaded a new build which should be OK, please report back if any errors
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