Objective-C from MinGW

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Objective-C from MinGW

Post by rro4785 »


How can I setting gcc-objc (on MinGW) on CodeLite?
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Re: Objective-C from MinGW

Post by eranif »

Settings -> Build Settings -> Compilers -> New
And define new tool chain

Next create a new project:

1. Workspace -> New Project -> Console -> Simple Executable (g++)
2. Change the compiler type from the right side
3. Fill in the missing details (project name / path)
4. Click OK

You should now have a project with main.cpp file -> remove the file and add a new file of type Objective-C (right click on the 'src' folder and select "Add a New File")
You can now right click on the project and select "Save as template" and save it as template for future projects

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
CodeLite Curious
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Re: Objective-C from MinGW

Post by rro4785 »

Cool!!! Thank you!!!
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