Failed to locate gdb !

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Failed to locate gdb !

Post by eolverag »

I just installed codelite for mac os x mavericks , a setup the workspace, create a project and add a hello world c file, but when building shows a message saying that the "Failed to locate gdb! at 'gdb'" . could someone help through the config setup process ??
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Re: Failed to locate gdb !

Post by eranif »

You need to install gdb (it does not come on OSX by default)

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: Failed to locate gdb !

Post by Jarod42 »

Do you have gdb installed in your system ?
("Soon", Codelite will support lldb :-) )
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Re: Failed to locate gdb !

Post by eranif »

Jarod42 wrote:("Soon", Codelite will support lldb )
Hey! In trunk, the support for lldb is fairly good - it already supports the following:
- allows full program control (next, step, step-in etc)
- Breakpoints management is completed
- Show backtrace
- Display local variables (there is a small bug with the vaules displayed atm, will be fixed soon)

Once tooltip support is added - we are good to go ;)
Of course, it will take some time until we get the level of support as gdb, but we are getting there

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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