Visual Styles VIsta + XP

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Visual Styles VIsta + XP

Post by valiyuneski »

Hi Eran, i have this project which is supposed to run on multiplatform. In order to see the Vista + XP controls i use this generic manifest.
Now in windows version of the CodeLite everything works ok, but when i switch to Ubuntu the project which includes the manifest is no
longer compiling unless i remove the manifest file from project. Question ! is there anything i can do just to have one project only cross
compilable with this manifest inside (some conditional additon of files to project ?)

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Re: Visual Styles VIsta + XP

Post by asterisc »

Will some #ifdef WIN32 inside your sources help?
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Re: Visual Styles VIsta + XP

Post by eranif »

I guess that you included the manifest file under '.rc' file, so on your linux machine:
settings ->build settings

select the compiler, and switch to 'file types'

and delete the entry for rc files - this way codelite will simply ignore .rc file

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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