Codelite crashes frequently on Ubuntu 22.04 with an arm64 CPU

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Codelite crashes frequently on Ubuntu 22.04 with an arm64 CPU

Post by willliamford35 »

Several times per day, I will be typing a line of code and Codelite simply hangs. After killing the process and bringing it back up, I usually lose all my work so I have to save frequently. When I try to update, I am told I am not running the correct processor. Is there a new version of Codelite for arm64?


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Re: Codelite crashes frequently on Ubuntu 22.04 with an arm64 CPU

Post by eranif »

I never tried CodeLite on ARM/Linux (I do use it on daily basis on ARM64/macOS)
Is it possible to attach a debugger when it crashes?

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Re: Codelite crashes frequently on Ubuntu 22.04 with an arm64 CPU

Post by willliamford35 »

Please disregard.

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