ubuntu-latest on github action changed to Ubuntu-22.04

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ubuntu-latest on github action changed to Ubuntu-22.04

Post by Jarod42 »

github action has changed recently ubuntu-latest from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu-22.04

Do you know the difference about Codelite between those 2 versions (Codelite 13.0.0 and COdelite 14.0.0)?

Retrieved by:

Code: Select all

    - name: sudo apt-get update -y
      run: sudo apt-get update -y

    - name: sudo apt-get install -y codelite
      run: sudo apt-get install -y codelite

Currently testing premake to generate codelite projects, and they now fails on ubuntu :-/

From CI build, I go from working:

Code: Select all

"clang++"  -c  "/home/runner/work/premake-sample-projects/premake-sample-projects/projects/project-00/src/main.cpp"  -o obj/up_up_src_main.cpp.o -I. 

to erroneous

Code: Select all

"clang++"  -c  "/home/runner/work/premake-sample-projects/premake-sample-projects/projects/project-00/src/main.cpp"  -o ./build-Release//up_up_src_main.cpp.o -I.

I suspect it is the Makefile Generator option.

Not sure the expected value for Ubuntu (premake generates projects without that field, Locally (on windows), it default to "Default" and works)

I try to fix premake by adding missing <BuildSystem Name="Default"/> but without success yet.

Maybe error is elsewhere:

  • as in build_settings.xml which should be updated
  • or meaning change for codelite-make --settings=../../../../codelite/build_settings.xml --workspace=Project.workspace --project=app --config=Release --command=build --verbose --execute
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Re: ubuntu-latest on github action changed to Ubuntu-22.04

Post by Jarod42 »

Still trying to fix generated project from premake.

I encounter something strange:

There is different behavior when compiling (on Windows) from Codelite IDE or from codelite-make (both from Codelite 14.0.0)

The IDE work as expected whereas codelite-make seems to adjust build generator (Which is <BuildSystem Name="Default"/>)

So obj and bin directories are replaced/prepended with .\build-$(ConfigurationName)...

Is there a flag I miss?

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Re: ubuntu-latest on github action changed to Ubuntu-22.04

Post by Jarod42 »

At least, more recent version of Codelite (at least v17) works as expected.

Just dropping regular CI on Ubuntu-22.04 :-/

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