Incomplete parsing of OpenMP header file.

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Incomplete parsing of OpenMP header file.

Post by marfi »

Hi Eran,
it seems like main OpenMP header file <omp.h> is not parsed correctly by CL because only data types defined there are recognized but no function is available in CL's code completition. It would be also fine to include also compiler-specific standard include dir (e.g. /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4/include in Linux) to parser paths automatically because it contains headers like stdargs.h, stdbool.h, omp.h, varargs.h etc.

Best regards
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Re: Incomplete parsing of OpenMP header file.

Post by eranif »

thanks for reporting this, I will have a look at it tomorrow (vacation here :))

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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