Problem with Codelite

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CodeLite Curious
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Problem with Codelite

Post by marco »

Hi, first of all i say sorry for my english. I installed Codelite 5.1 on my computer. But i can t compile file, build and run a program. I installed inormally, but when i compile file it get an error: "the current directory is not valid" ( i translated it from my language, italian was " la directory corrent non valida.). Can you help me? I did a screen of my error, but i can t attach it on this post so i give you a link, that i made.

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Re: Problem with Codelite

Post by eranif »

Create your workspace on a location that has NO spaces nor it contains any non standard characters (e.g. "()") in the path.

For example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeLite\" => Bad path

C:\src\ => Good path

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
CodeLite Curious
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Re: Problem with Codelite

Post by marco »

I did as you said, but now i have another type of error. I give you a link of the new screen.
thanks for your job.
CodeLite Curious
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Re: Problem with Codelite

Post by marco »

i solved my problem. Thanks a lot, bye
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