I am trying to build a simple "Hello World" application. But "make" always fails:
Code: Select all
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f "CppTest3_wsp.mk""
----------Building project:[ CppTest3 - Debug ]----------
mingw32-make[1]: *** No rule to make target `Debug/main.o', needed by `Debug/CppTest3'. Stop.
mingw32-make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `D:/Development/workspaces/CppTest3'
mingw32-make.exe: *** [All] Error 2
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `D:/Development/workspaces/CppTest3'
CppTest3_wsp.mk:4: recipe for target `All' failed
0 errors, 0 warnings
Same when running this in CMD:
Code: Select all
mingw32-make.exe -j 4 -e -f "CppTest3_wsp.mk"
Code: Select all
## Auto Generated makefile by CodeLite IDE
## any manual changes will be erased
## Debug
ProjectName :=CppTest3
ConfigurationName :=Debug
WorkspacePath := "D:\Development\workspaces\CppTest3"
ProjectPath := "D:\Development\workspaces\CppTest3"
IntermediateDirectory :=./Debug
OutDir := $(IntermediateDirectory)
CurrentFileName :=
CurrentFilePath :=
CurrentFileFullPath :=
User :=Marcel
Date :=13.05.2013
CodeLitePath :="D:\Development\CodeLite"
LinkerName :=g++
SharedObjectLinkerName :=g++ -shared -fPIC
ObjectSuffix :=.o
DependSuffix :=.o.d
PreprocessSuffix :=.o.i
DebugSwitch :=-gstab
IncludeSwitch :=-I
LibrarySwitch :=-l
OutputSwitch :=-o
LibraryPathSwitch :=-L
PreprocessorSwitch :=-D
SourceSwitch :=-c
OutputFile :=$(IntermediateDirectory)/$(ProjectName)
Preprocessors :=
ObjectSwitch :=-o
ArchiveOutputSwitch :=
PreprocessOnlySwitch :=-E
ObjectsFileList :="CppTest3.txt"
PCHCompileFlags :=
MakeDirCommand :=makedir
RcCmpOptions :=
RcCompilerName :=windres
LinkOptions :=
IncludePath := $(IncludeSwitch). $(IncludeSwitch).
IncludePCH :=
RcIncludePath :=
Libs :=
ArLibs :=
LibPath := $(LibraryPathSwitch).
## Common variables
## AR, CXX, CC, CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS can be overriden using an environment variables
AR := ar rcus
CXX := g++
CC := gcc
CXXFLAGS := -g -O0 -Wall $(Preprocessors)
CFLAGS := -g -O0 -Wall $(Preprocessors)
## User defined environment variables
## Main Build Targets
.PHONY: all clean PreBuild PrePreBuild PostBuild
all: $(OutputFile)
$(OutputFile): $(IntermediateDirectory)/.d $(Objects)
@$(MakeDirCommand) $(@D)
@echo "" > $(IntermediateDirectory)/.d
@echo $(Objects0) > $(ObjectsFileList)
$(LinkerName) $(OutputSwitch)$(OutputFile) $(Objects) $(LibPath) $(Libs) $(LinkOptions)
@$(MakeDirCommand) "./Debug"
## Clean
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(ObjectSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(DependSuffix)
$(RM) $(IntermediateDirectory)/main$(PreprocessSuffix)
$(RM) $(OutputFile)
$(RM) $(OutputFile).exe
$(RM) ".build-debug/CppTest3"
Windows 8 Pro
gcc 4.7.2 (mingw)
CodeLite (without mingw and with mingw, tried both).
I guess the makefile is the problem, but I am not that much into makefiles to see it. Maybe some eagle eye can help me out

Other IDEs work fine, but code completition sucks ;D
Thanks in advance,
The Project: