GDB Registers window?

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GDB Registers window?

Post by Coder1 »


I can't find a window that shows the current registers when debugging. Is there an option to enable this somewhere?


My CodeLite version is 5.1 on Windows 7
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Re: GDB Registers window?

Post by Jarod42 »

I don't see such windows (CL 5.2) neither

But you can add them in the watches window ($eax, $ebp for example).
or ask directly to gdb in the output window (info registers) but the last one is not really user friendly...
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Re: GDB Registers window?

Post by eranif »

There are no such windows. in 5.2 we have added disassemble window
The registers view is on my queue of tasks atm

Hopefully it will make it into 5.3

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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