Problem with paths Windows 7

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Re: Problem with paths Windows 7

Post by eranif »

ijm51000 wrote:Eran,
typo I think, SHELL=CMD.EXE worked
Yes, its basically doing the same as Gibbon1 suggested but without renaming anything

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: Problem with paths Windows 7

Post by Gibbon1 »

I spent another hour on poking around with this and found the following.

I have build settings for WinAVR-20100110. If sh was in the path Id get the build errors described above. (I solved that by renaming sh.exe to sh_nope.exe)

What I found is I think WinAVR-20100110's version of make doesn't pay attention to the env variable SHELL=CMD.exe So setting SHELL=CMD.exe under Build Settings -> Compiler -> 'Path environment variable' doesn't work as expected. The ultimate reason my makefile fails is tools are being called using sh.exe instead of the default CMD.exe.

However setting

Make: make.exe SHELL=CMD.exe -j 4

This does work. Make a note of it.
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