Mac help! Programs won't run from drop-down menu

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Re: Mac help! Programs won't run from drop-down menu

Post by walevert »

While I'm on a roll with the noobish questions, my codelite has stopped indenting for braces. Is there something in the preferences that I can do to remedy this?
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Re: Mac help! Programs won't run from drop-down menu

Post by eranif »

From: 'settings -> global editor preferences > Indentation' make sure that the option 'Disable smart indent' is not checked

If the above does not work for you, do this:

Turn ON 'View -> Display EOL'. Now, if your file line ending is 'CR' convert it to 'LF' (from Edit -> Convert to UNIX format') and you will have your line ending back

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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