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UnitTest++ plugin sometimes does not build project in cd4.1

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:23 pm
by Sel
I'm experiencing stange bug in unittest++ plugin. I've configured everythink and it usually works fine. But sometimes it breaks so that it is impossible to "Run project as UnitTest++ and report". I've noticed that in this cases the Debug folder does not have any executable.

I've found a workaround which is deleting the file and letting codelite generate a new one. After this operation executable file is beeing created in the Debug folder and I can run project as UnitTest++. Hope this helps to find the bug.

By the way, CodeLite is great. I've tested lots of IDEs and surely will stay with this one. Thanks:)

Re: UnitTest++ plugin does not work sometimes in cd4.1

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:26 pm
by Jarod42
Missing information from your previous topic in the wrong (premake) forum: Codelite version 4.1
(try to make effort to post correctly (good forum, good title, version, ...))

"Run project as UnitTest++ and report" does not build project.
So you have to successfully build the project before running unitTest.

Re: Home » Premake » Forums » General Discussion UnitTest++ plu

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:13 pm
by Sel
So is this forum wrong? Should I post in the different forum?

Re: UnitTest++ plugin does not work sometimes in cd4.1

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:31 pm
by Jarod42
It is me that redirect you from premake forum to codelite forum for codelite question.
So, the remark about wrong forum is related to your post in premake forum,
the 2 others (title, version) is related to this thread.
(So, here is a good place for your question).

I hope my previous answer is sufficient for your question.