Adding g++ 4.6.2

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Adding g++ 4.6.2

Post by wford »

I have libraries compiled with g++ 4.6.2, and by default CodeLite uses g++ 4.6.1. This results in many "unwind" errors. I have tried to add the 4.6.2 compiler under C:\MinGW with no success. How do I add the compiler?

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Re: Adding g++ 4.6.2

Post by Jarod42 »

In Settings... -> Build settings...
edit (or create new) g++ configuration to use your version of g++
(So fix PATH variable).

Alternatively, you can edit register.ini to set mingw path if your new g++ version is in an other mingw directory.
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Re: Adding g++ 4.6.2

Post by eranif »

You can change your MinGW from various locations, the easiest way (which will apply globally) is alter the PATH environment variable (from within codelite):
Settings -> environment variables

Under the "Default" set, add this line (make it the last line):

Code: Select all

Note the semicolon separator and the trailing $PATH
Now, whenever you call 'g++' it will be first searched under /path/to/MinGW/4.6.2/bin

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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