Latest GIT Version of CL does not build (Indexer specificall

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Latest GIT Version of CL does not build (Indexer specificall

Post by evstevemd »

I get this Linker error:

Code: Select all

Linking CXX executable ../../bin/codelite_indexer
CMakeFiles/codelite_indexer.dir/utils.cpp.o: In function `wxArrayString::Item(unsigned int)':
utils.cpp:(.text._ZN13wxArrayString4ItemEj[_ZN13wxArrayString4ItemEj]+0x49): undefined reference to `wxTrapInAssert'
utils.cpp:(.text._ZN13wxArrayString4ItemEj[_ZN13wxArrayString4ItemEj]+0x63): undefined reference to `wxTrapInAssert'
CMakeFiles/codelite_indexer.dir/pptable.cpp.o: In function `wxString::SubstrBufFromType<wchar_t const*>::SubstrBufFromType(wchar_t const* const&, unsigned int)':
pptable.cpp:(.text._ZN8wxString17SubstrBufFromTypeIPKwEC2ERKS2_j[_ZN8wxString17SubstrBufFromTypeIPKwEC5ERKS2_j]+0x60): undefined reference to `wxTrapInAssert'
pptable.cpp:(.text._ZN8wxString17SubstrBufFromTypeIPKwEC2ERKS2_j[_ZN8wxString17SubstrBufFromTypeIPKwEC5ERKS2_j]+0x7a): undefined reference to `wxTrapInAssert'
CMakeFiles/codelite_indexer.dir/pptable.cpp.o: In function `wxArgNormalizer<int>::wxArgNormalizer(int, wxFormatString const*, unsigned int)':
pptable.cpp:(.text._ZN15wxArgNormalizerIiEC2EiPK14wxFormatStringj[_ZN15wxArgNormalizerIiEC5EiPK14wxFormatStringj]+0x6c): undefined reference to `wxTrapInAssert'
CMakeFiles/codelite_indexer.dir/pptable.cpp.o:pptable.cpp:(.text._ZN15wxArgNormalizerIiEC2EiPK14wxFormatStringj[_ZN15wxArgNormalizerIiEC5EiPK14wxFormatStringj]+0x86): more undefined references to `wxTrapInAssert' follow
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [bin/codelite_indexer] Error 1
make[1]: *** [sdk/codelite_indexer/CMakeFiles/codelite_indexer.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
I use latest GIT on Ubuntu machine with wxWidgets repo version!

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Re: Latest GIT Version of CL does not build (Indexer specifi

Post by eranif »

It looks like a mix of release and debug builds.
Make sure you do not build in the source tree - but inside a specific directory for each configuration

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Re: Latest GIT Version of CL does not build (Indexer specifi

Post by evstevemd »

eranif wrote:It looks like a mix of release and debug builds.
Make sure you do not build in the source tree - but inside a specific directory for each configuration

Let me check which settings (CMAKE) did I use.

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Re: Latest GIT Version of CL does not build (Indexer specifi

Post by eranif »

Again, you should not mix cmake build configurations.
Create a separate folder for each build configuration, for example:

Code: Select all

mkdir build-debug
cd build-debug 
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make -j8
sudo make install
and for release:

Code: Select all

mkdir build-release
cd build-release 
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j8
sudo make install
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Re: Latest GIT Version of CL does not build (Indexer specifi

Post by evstevemd »

Sorry, does j specify number of processors?
If so I have to put j2 :)

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Re: Latest GIT Version of CL does not build (Indexer specifi

Post by eranif »

evstevemd wrote:Sorry, does j specify number of processors?
If so I have to put j2 :)
Yes, j means number of jobs to run (usually it should be the #processors)

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Re: Latest GIT Version of CL does not build (Indexer specifi

Post by evstevemd »

eranif wrote:
evstevemd wrote:Sorry, does j specify number of processors?
If so I have to put j2 :)
Yes, j means number of jobs to run (usually it should be the #processors)

Oh well I understand now!
Its still compiling, I will let you know when It finishes!

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