cls555 wrote:A good IDE!Thanks for you sharing your code!
I still feel a litter difficult to use it.If more promotion,it would be better.
"cl: G:\CPPLIB\wxWidget\wxWidgets-2.8.7\include\wx/debug.h(18) : fatal error C1083: mingw32-make.exe[1]" is meaning what? If the user can understand it,beginners just like me can solve it themselves.
I am afraid that CodeLite can do nothing about that error. CodeLite provides a bridge to the compiler & linker tools, this is the error *they* reported, CodeLite is only passing it on (with additional information where possible), but in general this is a compiler thing.
cls555 wrote:CodeLite use config file to talk to wxwidget. VC do not use use config file, just make sure that the lib and inc files are
in the right place, compile will be ok at times.
CodeLite is using 'wx-config' tool to talk to wxWidgets - because this is the correct thing to do (according to the wxWidgets authors). However, I am getting the feeling that you come from the VS world, you probably noticed that the project configuration is modeled after the VS way of configuring thing, and you can achieve the same thing as VS: point the 'Compiler' to the correct paths, add the libs to the linker and you are good to go - however, by doing it in the CodeLite way (using wx-config tool) your code will be able to compiler successful on Linux, Mac & Windows withuot changing the configuration (btw, wx-config way of adding paths & libs is the Linux way)
cls555 wrote:when mouse pointing to the include file and select "Open workplace file"
Well, my guess is that you are using the default tags database that I provide with CodeLite installer, which means, that in order to successfully go to implementation, the tags should be pointing to the correct paths.
To fix this, you can close the tags database by doing:
Tags -> Close External tags database
(you will notice that the string: 'Ext DB: common.tags' is removed from the status bar)
Then, create your own tags database like this:
'Tags -> Create External tags database'
Follow the wizard questions (very straight forward i think)
Once the wizard has gathered all required information, CodeLite will index all files and create new tags database (this database will be attached to CodeLite at the end of the process).
To add more symbols to the same database, simply run the wizard again, using different path - and the new symbols will be appended to the existing database.
For example, to create tags database which contains wxWidgets all declarations and implementation, you will need to run the wizard twice (assumption, your wxWidgets files are located at C:\wxWidgets-2.8.7):
First time where root directory is pointing to 'C:\wxWidgets-2.8.7\include\wx'
and second time, where the path is pointing to 'C:\wxWidgets-2.8.7\src\' (make sure you select the same database name that was used in the first step)
"Open Workspace file" , "Go To implementation" and "Go to declaration" all will work properly now.
Note: the default tags database that comes with the installer does not include implementations only the declarations functions for wxWidgets.
At the end, please remember that this is a
one man project, i have limited resources (me), real life job & family (I am a father for 2 children).
CodeLite is written, maintained, released only by me. So if you think you can help, provide new icons, documentation or whatever, please do so - help me make CodeLite a better IDE