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How to get the file path in cmd?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:35 am
by shekar
I am executing a ''For Loop'' in codelite but I am unable to see the filepath/directory path in command prompt while the cmd prompt gets popped up.
How can I get the filepath in cmd while executing various programs in each time?
I am using my codelite 7.0 on windows 8.1 64 bit version.

Normally, when we execute a program in codelite, the cmd prompt gets popped up with related directory path/file path in it, to which we can add our own parameters as per requirement.

Can anyone help me out in this regard?

Re: How to get the file path in cmd?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:50 am
by Gibbon1
I'm thinking what you are referring to is thought of when debugging under codelite as the 'terminal window' that allows you to interact with stdin and stout when debugging a console program.

So I think you're complaining that when you try to debug a console program you're not seeing the terminal window. I've seen some complaints similar to yours in the forum, look for anyone complaining about the terminal window and perhaps there is an answer.