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Can`t run the program

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:23 am
by Marik
Hi, I buillt project succesfully, but when i tried to run the program, i got this:Image
I`m running xubuntu, if it matters. Will be very (really very, it is the only one great cpp ide in linux) glad to hear help from you :roll:

Re: Can`t run the program

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:50 am
by eranif
Can you post the error you get in *text* and not in picture?
Also, the build output.

Re: Can`t run the program

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:06 pm
by DavidGH

Also, try running /home/xubuntu/документы/CppLabs/cmake-build-Debug/bin/Lab1 in a terminal and check it works there.

If it does, I wonder if the problem is caused by the 'документы' in the path. Try temporarily renaming it to 'Documents'.



Re: Can`t run the program

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:51 pm
by Marik
eranif wrote:Can you post the error you get in *text* and not in picture?
Also, the build output.
error in text format:
/usr/bin/codelite_exec: 22: /usr/bin/codelite_exec: /home/xubuntu/Документи/CppLabs/cmake-build-Debug/bin/Lab1: not found
Press ENTER to continue...

when debug, i got this

/bin/sh -c 'cd /home/xubuntu/Документи/CppLabs/cmake-build-Debug && /usr/bin/make -j4 -e '
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/xubuntu/Документи/CppLabs/cmake-build-Debug
====0 errors, 0 warnings====

i understand, that there should be an "cmake-build-Debug", which i don`t have in my package xubuntu/Документи/CppLabs, but what the way I can fix it?

Re: Can`t run the program

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:14 pm
by Marik
DavidGH wrote:Hi,

Also, try running /home/xubuntu/документы/CppLabs/cmake-build-Debug/bin/Lab1 in a terminal and check it works there.

If it does, I wonder if the problem is caused by the 'документы' in the path. Try temporarily renaming it to 'Documents'.


thank you, it works well)