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Newbie question: Codelite does not run my programs anymore

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:57 pm
by Power-Paul

I am Using Codelite in Ubuntu 9.10.

I'm not sure when exactly my problem started (maybe when I started writing programs that included more than just the stdio.h), but when I try to run my programs now, I always get the following:

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/codelite_exec: 22: ./aufg36b: not found
(this was when I was trying to run something I named aufg36b).

Hoping for your help,


Re: Newbie question: Codelite does not run my programs anymore

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:01 pm
by eranif
Please install from the *site* and not from Synaptic. The Ubuntu version installed from Synaptic is broken and missing the codelite_exec script.

Uninstall codelite, and install it from here:

For 32 Bit: ... b/download

For 64 bit: ... b/download

Once downloaded, install it like this:

Code: Select all

sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb/file

Re: Newbie question: Codelite does not run my programs anymore

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:24 pm
by Power-Paul

I just downloaded the package You linked, and installed it with the ubuntu package installer (that was because I did not quite get the way you told me to install it by terminal), but the problem remained.

Shall I retry installing it by terminal?

Re: Newbie question: Codelite does not run my programs anymore

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:08 pm
by eranif
Power-Paul wrote:Shall I retry installing it by terminal?
Yes. Install it using the terminal command line.


Re: Newbie question: Codelite does not run my programs anymore

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:57 pm
by Power-Paul
I uninstalled and installed it again by using the terminal command line as You told me, but the problem remained :-(

It seems to appear always when I try to include some header files like string.h or math.h.

Re: Newbie question: Codelite does not run my programs anymore

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:42 pm
by eranif
Did you compile your project?
Can you paste here the output of your build command? (copy paste it from the 'Build' Window)


Re: Newbie question: Codelite does not run my programs anymore

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:15 pm
by Power-Paul

Here's the output of the 'build' command:
----------Build Started--------
/bin/sh -c '"make" -j 4 -f ""'
----------Building project:[ test2 - Debug ]----------
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/paul/.codelite/test'
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/paul/.codelite/test'
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/paul/.codelite/test'
gcc -c "/home/paul/.codelite/test/main.c" -g -o ./Debug/main.o "-I." "-I."
gcc -o ./Debug/test2 ./Debug/main.o "-L."
./Debug/main.o: In function `function':
/home/paul/.codelite/test/main.c:8: undefined reference to `exp'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [Debug/test2] Fehler 1
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/paul/.codelite/test'
make: *** [All] Fehler 2
----------Build Ended----------
0 errors, 0 warnings
and here (if that might be helpful) the program:

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

double function(double x)
	double f;
	return f;

void clr()
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<=25; i++)

void main()
	int i, n, erg, eing;
	double sum=0.0, start, ende, inter, zw, x, f;
	printf("\n\tI N T E G R A T I O N\n");
	printf("\nBitte Startwert, Endwert und Anzahl der Schritte eingeben:\nStartwert:\n");
	scanf("%lf", &start);
	scanf("%lf", &ende);
	printf("\nAnzahl Schritte:\n");
	scanf("%i", &n);
	printf("\nZwischenergebnisse alle ... Schritte anzeigen:\n");
	scanf("%i", &erg);
	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
		if(i!=0 && i!=(n-1))
		printf("\nAnzahl Schritte: %i \nZwischensumme: %.1lf \nx: %.1lf \nFunktionswert; %.1lf\n\n", i, sum, x, f);
	printf("\nAnzahl Schritte: %i \nSumme: %.1lf \nx: %.1lf \nFunktionswert; %.1lf\n\n", i, sum, x, f);
	printf("\n\nZum Beenden '0' eingeben, zum Fortsetzen beliebeige Zahl.");
	scanf("%i", &eing);
By the way, thanks a lot for your help.


Re: Newbie question: Codelite does not run my programs anymore

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:48 am
by eranif
codelite does not run your program, because there is nothing to run.
your code does not link successfully, fix it and then codelite will be able to run it
