Add support for objcopy

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Add support for objcopy

Post by Gibbon1 »

Suggestion that might make sense for embedded, which is to add an entry for object copy in the Project-Settings ->Common Settings

I'm using Codelite for embedded firmware on AVR and ARM processors. Typically after an the code it comiple and liked to a .elf file, you run objcopy to create an binary file (.hex or .srec). I've been doing this via the post build settings, for example.

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O srec $(ProjectPath)\Debug\main.elf main.srec

This works, but it it runs even if there is nothing to do.
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Re: Add support for objcopy

Post by Jarod42 »

There is a possible 'solution' using "Custom Makefile rule" if you know the dependencies...

You can add more rules by separating them by line (but I see it as a hack)...
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