gdb remote debugging

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CodeLite Curious
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gdb remote debugging

Post by spectrum »

Dear all,

i am trying to debug connecting to a m68k-bdm-gdbserver gdb server, using the

target remote | m68k-bdm-gdbserver pipe /dev/tblcf0

I have several issues:

1) on other ide, i use a .gdbinit file, and inside this command, so it is executed without issues
CL seems not accepting this. I have to enable (check) the remote debugging.
2) i can finally run the remote target, but i have to split the .gdbinit into pre and post target connect parts.
Then, in the remote host i have to set " | m68k-bdm-gdbserver pipe /dev/tblcf0"
3) CL seems not considering the pipe execution, so it does not stop the server at debuig stop / end.
I end up with several m68k-bdm-gdbserver in the background, and cannot debug a second time until
i kill all the server instances.

Probably, the ide is not still able to handle well the "pipe" server execution.

Every help is appreciated.
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Re: gdb remote debugging

Post by Gibbon1 »

Someone submitted a patch last summer to 'fix' remote debugging on codelite using Jtag adapters. Where you have gdb server running on the local machine connected via USB to a ICE connected to the targets JTAG port. When I looked at it I wondered if the patch might break the alternate situation where you have a gdb-server running on the target.

You might try the version of codelite from before that patch was included. See if you can make that work.

Also if you are running an older pre June 2014 version of codelite you might try the latest release.
CodeLite Curious
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Re: gdb remote debugging

Post by spectrum »


thanks, i have installed 6.1.1 so more recent than the June 2014.
Now i try a pre-patch version, and let you know.
CodeLite Curious
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Re: gdb remote debugging

Post by spectrum »

I tried version 5.3

Issue is the same, i can start the remote debugging, but after the "stop", gdb server, lauched trough pipe, is not
killed. I think becouse pipe execution is simply not supported from the ide.

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Re: gdb remote debugging

Post by Gibbon1 »


5.3 is pretty old. You might be able to look at the GDB debugging code. Not so hard since codelite is used to build codelite you can use the find in files and other navigation to find stuff. I tried a while ago to debug a remote program from Windows -> Ubuntu running under virtual box but ran into problems with shared folders which I never solved before I ran out of time and had to go back to earning money.

That said I'd be willing to kick some small amount of cash to fix this stuff.

Also I know that this used, who hasn't been around since six months ago did some work, you might try pinging him and ask questions. ... ile&u=4406
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