Sourcecode auto formatter error

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Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by Ashmon »

When I hit CTRL + I (autoformat sourcecode), all code is deleted and replaced with:

1 konnte nicht gefunden werden.

This is german and translates to "was not found". I just reinstalled Windows and don't have a clue, what I did wrong this time! I'm also confused why it is shown in german, when everything else is in English.
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Re: Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by eranif »

1. Which version of CodeLite are you using?
2. Enable the log file of CodeLite from: Settings->Misc->Log->Log verbosity, and set it to DEBUG

Try to format a file and copy the log file content from %appdata%\CodeLite\codelite.log to this thread (try to locate the relevant parts only)
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Re: Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by Ashmon »

I'm using 10.0.3 (latest stable)

I deleted the content of the logfile. This is right after trying to autoformat:

[19:05:09:363 DBG] ContinuousBuild::OnFileSaved
[19:05:09:363 DBG] ContinuousBuild is disabled
[19:05:10:807 DBG] No EditorConfig file found for file: D:\Mega Sync\Benutzer\Ashmon\Documents\Programmieren\Schroedinger\Schroedinger\Strings\main.cpp
[19:05:14:519 DBG] Formatting file: ' D:\Mega Sync\Benutzer\Ashmon\Documents\Programmieren\Schroedinger\Schroedinger\Strings\main.cpp '
[19:05:14:523 DBG] Using C++/Clang formatter
[19:05:14:530 DBG] CodeForamtter: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C "C:\Program Files\CodeLite\codelite-clang-format.exe" -style="{ BasedOnStyle: WebKit, IndentWidth: 4, UseTab: Never, Language : Cpp , AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true, AlignTrailingComments : true, AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine : false, AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine : false, AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings : false, AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations : false, BinPackParameters : false, BreakBeforeBinaryOperators : false, BreakBeforeTernaryOperators : false, BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma : true, IndentCaseLabels : false, IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType : false, SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators : true, SpaceBeforeParens : Never, SpacesInParentheses : false, BreakBeforeBraces : Linux, ColumnLimit : 120, PointerAlignment : Left }" -cursor=367 "D:\Mega Sync\Benutzer\Ashmon\Documents\Programmieren\Schroedinger\Schroedinger\Strings\.code-formatter-tmp.cpp"
[19:05:14:583 DBG] Done
[19:05:14:592 DBG] Formatting file: ' D:\Mega Sync\Benutzer\Ashmon\Documents\Programmieren\Schroedinger\Schroedinger\Strings\main.cpp ' done
[19:05:16:438 DBG] No EditorConfig file found for file: C:\Users\ashmo\AppData\Roaming\codelite\codelite.log
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Re: Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by eranif »

when you run this command from a CMD shell, what is the result that you get:

Code: Select all

C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C "C:\Program Files\CodeLite\codelite-clang-format.exe" -style="{ BasedOnStyle: WebKit, IndentWidth: 4, UseTab: Never, Language : Cpp , AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true, AlignTrailingComments : true, AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine : false, AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine : false, AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings : false, AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations : false, BinPackParameters : false, BreakBeforeBinaryOperators : false, BreakBeforeTernaryOperators : false, BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma : true, IndentCaseLabels : false, IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType : false, SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators : true, SpaceBeforeParens : Never, SpacesInParentheses : false, BreakBeforeBraces : Linux, ColumnLimit : 120, PointerAlignment : Left }" -cursor=367 "D:\Mega Sync\Benutzer\Ashmon\Documents\Programmieren\Schroedinger\Schroedinger\Strings\YOUR-FILE.cpp"
Replace "YOUR-FILE" with the actual file you want to format and see what happens

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CodeLite Curious
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Re: Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by Ashmon »

It works as expected. This is my Cli:
(don't laugh about the code, it's from an educational book for practice....:-))

C:\Program Files\CodeLite>codelite-clang-format.exe -style="{ BasedOnStyle: WebKit, IndentWidth: 4, UseTab: Never, Language : Cpp , AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true, AlignTrailingComments : true, AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine : false, AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine : false, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine : false, AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings : false, AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations : false, BinPackParameters : false, BreakBeforeBinaryOperators : false, BreakBeforeTernaryOperators : false, BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma : true, IndentCaseLabels : false, IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType : false, SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators : true, SpaceBeforeParens : Never, SpacesInParentheses : false, BreakBeforeBraces : Linux, ColumnLimit : 120, PointerAlignment : Left }" -cursor=367 "D:\Mega Sync\Benutzer\Ashmon\Documents\Programmieren\Schroedinger\Schroedinger\Strings\main.cpp
{ "Cursor": 382, "IncompleteFormat": false }
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()

string einString01;
string einString02 = "Voll einfach";
einString01 = einString02;
string einString03;
getline(cin, einString03);
cout << einString03 << endl;
char zearray[] = "Ze-Array2String";
string einString04 = zearray;
string einString05(10, '+');
C:\Program Files\CodeLite>

the code between the curly brackets is moved back to the left corner by the forum. However, I get the expected result.
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Re: Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by eranif »

Can you please set this environment variable in CodeLite: Settings->Environment variables

Code: Select all

And try to format the file again, does the message still appears in German? Does it work now?

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CodeLite Curious
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Re: Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by Ashmon »

Still the same problem.

I have only a default set and it now looks like this:

CodeLiteDir=C:\Program Files\CodeLite

Reinstalling Codelite didn't help either.
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Re: Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by Ashmon »

By the way, compiling programs is working.
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Re: Sourcecode auto formatter error

Post by Ashmon »

Ok, I found something: If I switch the formatter from clang-format to AStyle, it's working!
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