Code Completion not for alle Variables

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Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by FrancescoA »

Hello, in a good deal of variables, code completion is not shown. I have adjusted addidional include directories, retagged, but its not working.
For example in CodeBlocks, the code completions for that variables are shown.
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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by eranif »

FrancescoA wrote:Hello, in a good deal of variables, code completion is not shown. I have adjusted addidional include directories, retagged, but its not working.
Please provide an example of what is not working for you (some code samples)

Is it variables or functions / classes? (there is a different)

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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by FrancescoA »

First congratulation to your IDE, I like it very much.
I compared several IDES, but want to stay on codelite, if that problem ist solved.

Its not so easy to create a sample. Its a member Variable from a base class, which points to a class.

myfile.cpp (class A: derives from Class A1) A1 has a pointer "ptrb" to Class B
A1 is in /usr/local/include somewhter

if I type (the scope should be known) ptrb-> nothing appears, but for other class members it works
and it works also in codeblocks.

As I said inlcude directories are registered in teh dialog.

If you need furhter information, I will look what I can do.

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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by eranif »

Its hard for me to solve such errors (probably user error ;))
Without seeing some code.

It is working perfectly fine (derived classes, pointers etc)
I need to see a sample code to solve this, its hard to guess

Except for the obvious: you do have workspace opened, right?

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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by FrancescoA »

I will check again. If I am the only one (or only a few other), for whom the code completion is not popping up, I think,
the bug must be in my project or project settings. I will try I hope in the coming days. If not, is there a faq for that? that would be also useful: Why doent't the code completion show up (for every known) variable. Answer: Check Tag Setting include directories, delete the old tag file and create a new one, ... bla bla ;)
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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by FrancescoA »

I tried with several include directories and rescan.
Settings -> Tags Settings -> Include directories
also with variations of for example
and retagged my projeckt

But all the members (base classes) declared in usr/local/* are not found.

Could it be, that (here is a comprehensive use of namespaces) this conflicts with
a) tag scanning
b) tag "finding"?

All the members declared in the base classes are not shown.

Addition (Example):

Code: Select all

namespace NS1
    int NS1Func(void);
class Screen:public NS2::Screen
anywhere in /usr/local/inlcude:

Code: Select all

namespace NS2
class Screen
    int NS2Func(void);
screen Konstructor before:
here NS1Func is offered in Code completion, but not NS2 func

As I said, in CodeBlocks that variables are shown.
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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by eranif »

This bug was fixed in SVN trunk couple of weeks ago (it was reported in another context, but the effect is the same):

Here is the commit log which fixed it:
r3386 | eranif | 2009-11-20 21:48:00 +0200 (Fri, 20 Nov 2009) | 1 line

- Fixed: Add Function Implementation feature: scope name resolving is now done properly when the class inherits a scoped class (... : public NAMESPACE::CLASS_NAME)
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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by FrancescoA »

Ahh, cool, thank you for your fast reply

Is there any new binary (ubuntu deb) to download?
I have v2.0.3365
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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by eranif »

Just to make sure, that it is the same bug indeed:
Can you try and test this code sample:

Code: Select all

namespace NS
    class Base {
        int m_member;

class ChildClass : public NS::Base

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ChildClass cs;
    return 0;

Check to see if you get Code completion for cs which includes 'm_member'

And no, there is no build yet, a new release will be coming during this weekend
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Re: Code Completion not for alle Variables

Post by FrancescoA »

Yes, it works:

Code: Select all

namespace NS
    class Base {
        int m_member;

class ChildClass : public NS::Base

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ChildClass cs;
    return 0;
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