Header not marked as changed

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by frank_frl »

Hi Eran,

this directory is the only one I added with RapidSvn to the repository, all others with svn command line. Maybe thats the reason. I'll try tomorrow to make the svn structure new.

I found some other bugs I put in the tracker, where two of them are quit important.

Moving text with drag/drop in the editor is not working anymore. rev 2013
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph ... tid=979960

I'tried to delete one header from svn from within CodeLites explorer, to add it with CodeLite again, hoping that this could be the reason, but the svn/delete command deleted the file from my local directory.
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph ... tid=979960

It's night here now, so I'll check more tomorrow.

Best regards and thanks for your effort.

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by eranif »

frank_frl wrote:this directory is the only one I added with RapidSvn to the repository
Can u confirm that you have a directory named '.svn' under it?
frank_frl wrote:Moving text with drag/drop in the editor is not working anymore. rev 2013
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph ... tid=979960
I already fixed this, it was broken due to upgrade of scintilla to v1.76
frank_frl wrote:I'tried to delete one header from svn from within CodeLites explorer, to add it with CodeLite again, hoping that this could be the reason, but the svn/delete command deleted the file from my local directory.
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph ... tid=979960
I will look at this one tomorrow, but AFAIR, this is the behavior of the SVN command line tool - to recover it (from within 'file explorer' tab) 'Svn -> Revert' on its parent directory.

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by frank_frl »

eranif wrote:
frank_frl wrote:this directory is the only one I added with RapidSvn to the repository
Can u confirm that you have a directory named '.svn' under it?
I can confirm that, there is a .svn folder in each folder and sub folder and the 'entries' file in '/include/.svn' has all headers listed.

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by frank_frl »

Hi Eran,

I deleted the whole 'MyLibs' project from svn. Imported it to svn back with the svn command line tool and checked out new. But I still have the same problem. So I don't think the problem comes from the svn structure.

Could you release a version with the drag/drop stuff fixed, since CodeLite is now my daily tool to work with.

BTW found an other bug.
Added a wxColourDialog to my source and tried then to use the feature 'Add include file for'. A window opened with a choice between
Since I never had any wxWidgets installation on c:/ and my WXWIN points to e:/wxWidgets2.8.8, this must be somewhere in your code.

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by eranif »

frank_frl wrote:Added a wxColourDialog to my source and tried then to use the feature 'Add include file for'. A window opened with a choice between
Since I never had any wxWidgets installation on c:/ and my WXWIN points to e:/wxWidgets2.8.8, this must be somewhere in your code.
This is not really a bug, since the 'Tags' database (the basis for the code completion) were generated on my computer, which has wxWidgets installed under C:\wxWidgets-2.8.7.

If you will notice, at the bottom right (at the status bar) you have a file named 'common.tags' this is the file with the code completion symbols for wxWidgets / STL.
You can do 2 things to fix it:
- Tags -> Fix external database paths - in the dialog that opened three is name / value. leave the name as it is, and simply replace the value
- Or:

- Close external tags database
- Delete the file 'common.tags'
- Tags -> Create External Database...
- In the wizard that opened, select the correct root path of wxWidgets
- Next, run the wizard again, and select the path/to/mingw/c++ and select only 'bits' directory (this will give you all STL completion) --> it is important to use the same tags database given in the previous run so it will append the symbols to the same database


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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by frank_frl »

You can do 2 things to fix it:
- Tags -> Fix external database paths - in the dialog that opened three is name / value. leave the name as it is, and simply replace the value
That fixed it, thanks

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by frank_frl »

Hi Eran,

I looked in your svniconrefreshhandler.cpp and send the same command to svn at the command line for one header in my include folder.

output was:

Code: Select all

E:\SvnRepo>svn status --xml --non-interactive --no-ignore -q E:\WxWindows\projects_gnu\MyLibs\include/frlbase.h
<?xml version="1.0"?>
then a change the file saved it and did the same command:

Code: Select all

E:\SvnRepo>svn status --xml --non-interactive --no-ignore -q E:\WxWindows\projects_gnu\MyLibs\include/frlbase.h
<?xml version="1.0"?>
That works as expected, so it seems that svnxmlparser.cpp is not finding this entry, maybe it is not in the workspace list for some reason or parsing of the rawData string goes wrong.

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by eranif »

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the help here ;)
I am thinking that the svnxmlparser is OK, but maybe the paths to compare do not match?

Have a look at this function:

Code: Select all

void SvnIconRefreshHandler::ColourPath(wxTreeCtrl *tree, wxTreeItemId &item, const wxString &fileName, const wxArrayString &modifiedPaths, const wxArrayString &conflictedPaths)
	SvnXmlParser::FileState state ( SvnXmlParser::StateOK );

	if (conflictedPaths.Index(fileName) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
		state = SvnXmlParser::StateConflict;

	} else if ( modifiedPaths.Index(fileName) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
		state = SvnXmlParser::StateModified;

	DoColourPath(tree, item, state);
As you can see, I am first assuming that the file state is OK.
Next, I am trying to find it inside conflictedPaths array - this match failed, the next match also fails, which means that either the file does not exist, or it exist but with slightly modified name.

For example:
In your previous post you mentioned the file

Code: Select all

Note how the last slash is forward slash and not backslash
While SVN reported this:

Code: Select all

All with backslashes

I added a fix to normalize the file name according to its platform hope this is the bug.

Here is pre-compiled Subversion DLL with the file normalization fix, hope it will solve this issue:

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by frank_frl »

Hi Eran,

download seems not to work. I get following message
'PmWiki can't process your request

?invalid page name

We are sorry for any inconvenience.'

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Re: Header not marked as changed

Post by eranif »

frank_frl wrote:Hi Eran,

download seems not to work. I get following message
'PmWiki can't process your request

?invalid page name

We are sorry for any inconvenience.'

Lower case 'd' ...

Should work now (the download at least ;))

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