Possible tags regression in SVN 4635

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Possible tags regression in SVN 4635

Post by marfi »

Hi Eran,
I probably found a regression in CL SVN 4635 dealing with full workspace retag. If invoked then the whole workspace is re-tagged but the tags database stays empty (just 22kB size on big project). After manual per-project retag the database grows to cca 1.8MB and the tags are properly found and used. It seems like the full workspace retag doesn't update the tags database correctly. Observed on Ubuntu 10.04.

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Re: Possible tags regression in SVN 4635

Post by eranif »

Like I written in the bug report in SF: I can not seem to reproduce it here (ubuntu 10.10. 64 bit / Windows 7)

It is probably something very "local" which can not be reproduce easily...
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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