PCH error

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PCH error

Post by tankist02 »

When I run 'make clean' on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 I always get the following error:

Code: Select all

make[1]: Entering directory `/data/andrew/software/codelite/PCH'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/data/andrew/software/codelite/PCH'
make: *** [clean] Error 2
I still can build and run CodeLite, but I am wondering if I can fix the error.
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Re: PCH error

Post by eranif »

tankist02 wrote:hen I run 'make clean' on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 I always get the following error:
Fixed in trunk

You can configure with PCH ;)

Code: Select all

./configure --enable-pch
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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