Codelite for Embedded

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Codelite for Embedded

Post by rajah »

Hi Guys,

I use Codelite for embedded applications. I am currently working on a freescale
coldfire micro. The compiler is Diab (makefile) and the Debug tool is Trace32.
I set custom build options to invoke my makefile and use diab compiler.
However, I was wondering if I can have a custom run option to call Trace32 to
launch the debugger?

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by eranif »

Since I am not really familiar with embedded development, nor with trace32, can u please describe here, step by step what are the calls you are using to invoke the debugger?

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by rajah »

Nothing too complicated, I just invoke a batchfile
from shell to invoke the debugger. In the custom
build options on Codelite, I call my batchfile which
inturn calls GNU_MAKE with the makefile path. A
similar feature to call shell commands for run option
is what I am looking for. Is something already there
that I might be missing?

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by eranif »

Have u tried to set the shell script (batch in your case) from "Settings -> Debugger Settings ...' and set the batch script as the debugger?

Btw, what does your script do that codelite cant do?

FYI: CodeLite supports gdbserver, and also it allows you yo set options per build configuration - have u looked at the project settings -> Debugger tab?

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by rajah »

The Trace32 debugger has its own environment. Once you call the script, it can flash the
new code to the micro, load the map files and s19 (firmware) and it shows you a screen
where you can set break points, check for register values, interrupts etc. I am not sure
if they have a generic stand alone debugger like gdb.

I had not looked at the debugger script settings. I will see if I can tweak it to call my

You were helpful as always Eran,

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by rajah »

I finally got it working, however the same command that worked on a
command shell did not work when called it from the debugger settings.
I put the SAME command under the Custom Build -> Clean Command
and it works. Now my Build Command calls my external compiler and
my Clean command launches the 3rd party debugger. Works like a
charm. I still have no clue why the same command would not work
of the debugger settings.
eranif wrote:Have u tried to set the shell script (batch in your case) from "Settings -> Debugger Settings ...' and set the batch script as the debugger?

Btw, what does your script do that codelite cant do?

FYI: CodeLite supports gdbserver, and also it allows you yo set options per build configuration - have u looked at the project settings -> Debugger tab?

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by eranif »

Did u get any errors/warning under the 'Trace' tab?

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by rajah »

eranif wrote:Did u get any errors/warning under the 'Trace' tab?

I dont see anything on the 'Trace' Tab. However, I did notice something in my debugger

The command I sent is
C:\T32\t32start.exe -QUIT -RUNCFGFILE C:\Projects\GrafikEyeQS\QSG.ts2
The QSG.ts2 script file that runs the debugger with all the right parameters.

Although this was the command I sent, the command shell 'saw' in the log was
Processing Command Line Parameters: "-QUIT" "-RUNCFGFILE" "C:\Projects\GrafikEyeQS\QSG.ts2" "--interpreter=mi" "./GrafikEyeQS"

I am not sure if Codelite is adding the --interpreter=mi and the relative path or if its something the t32start.exe
file is adding. Anyway, if those extra params ring a bell, then you probably know what is cause my command to
not run from the debugger settings.

I hope this helps.

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by eranif »

rajah wrote:I am not sure if Codelite is adding the --interpreter=mi and the relative path or if its something the t32start.exe
file is adding. Anyway, if those extra params ring a bell, then you probably know what is cause my command to
not run from the debugger settings.
--interperter=mi is appended by codelite, it is assuming that you provided a path to gdb which knows what to do with it. I guess that you should stick to your current solution, until I will complete the implementation of this feature request: ... tid=979963 (this is my current task)

and should be available in next release (which will be released once this one is done)

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Re: Codelite for Embedded

Post by rajah »

Thanks, I am happy with way things are working right now, so no sweat.

As part of the feature request, are you going to give users the option to
create custom buttons on the toolbar to invoke external apps? That would
be awesome.

I am loving it each day I use Codelite guys, keep it up.

eranif wrote:
rajah wrote:I am not sure if Codelite is adding the --interpreter=mi and the relative path or if its something the t32start.exe
file is adding. Anyway, if those extra params ring a bell, then you probably know what is cause my command to
not run from the debugger settings.
--interperter=mi is appended by codelite, it is assuming that you provided a path to gdb which knows what to do with it. I guess that you should stick to your current solution, until I will complete the implementation of this feature request: ... tid=979963 (this is my current task)

and should be available in next release (which will be released once this one is done)

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