Russian symbols

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CodeLite Curious
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Russian symbols

Post by Inlight »

Hi2all. I now try to print in the console Russian symbols, using the next way:

Code: Select all

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

int main(void)
 	char src[10], dest[10];
 	strcpy(src,"Привет"); // string with russian symbols
 	cout << dest;
return 0;
and symbols in the console look incorrectly. I used this code also with MinGW Studio 2.05, Visual C++ 2008 Express, Codegear C++ and there all was normal. Therefore I have thought, that business in Codelite.
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Re: Russian symbols

Post by eranif »

Inlight wrote:Therefore I have thought, that business in Codelite.
The only difference is that codelite does not run the generated executable directly, but rather via le_exe.exe.

Try to run it from outside the IDE (i.e. open cmd.exe at the exe path, and run it) - see if you are still having the same problem.
If the problem disappears, do this in CodeLite:

Open project settings (right click on the project), and un-check the 'pause when execution ends'

If not, then it is something with your locale on the machine or maybe some flags u need to pass to the compiler (try to compare compilation flags).

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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