IntelliSense for CodeLite 1.x?

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IntelliSense for CodeLite 1.x?

Post by sharth »


I'm using CodeLite (1.0.2893) on Ubuntu 9.1. I'd like to use the complete function (in visual studio it's called IntelliSense).
Unfortunately it doesn't work and I have no clue where I can activate it. Do I have to activate that option or is my version of CodeLite too old?
I tried to update it, but in Synaptic there is no other supported version available. How can I fix the problem?

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Re: IntelliSense for CodeLite 1.x?

Post by eranif »

codelite 1.0.2893 is *very* old.

I suggest that you build your own codelite from sources, it is very easy task, just follow the steps described here: ... &sk=t&sd=a

If you encounter problem - repost here

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Re: IntelliSense for CodeLite 1.x?

Post by sharth »

Thank you! That was very helpful. I updated my System to Ubuntu 10.04 and CodeLite 2.5. It's much more comfortable now.
But there is one Problem with the wxWidgets. I already included the path "/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx". But if I type "wx.." there opens no Box with suggestions
what functions are available. In the Documentation videos I saw that this is possible. Did I forget to include a path?
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Re: IntelliSense for CodeLite 1.x?

Post by eranif »

sharth wrote:"/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx"
codelite already adds the path to wx for itself. so you dont need to do that.

I suggest that you do this:
open the settings options: 'settings -> tags settings -> include path'
and remove all paths.

restart codelite - codelite will update the include path automatically for you.

then from the menu bar do this (this is needed only once):
'workspace -> retag workspace (full)'

Try it now - it should work.

If not, post here your ~/.codelite/config/codelite.xml file.

BTW: codelite 2.5 is ~3-4 month old now, codelite 2.7 offers better intellisense - so you might go all the way and upgrade to the latest release.
Pick the one you need from here:
the version you installed was not packaged by me - it was packaged by Ubuntu. In the above link you can download the latest (and greatest) codelite :D
(remember to remove the previous installed version of codelite (2.5))

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Re: IntelliSense for CodeLite 1.x?

Post by sharth »

Hi eranif,
Thanks for your quick reply!
I uninstalled the old version of CodeLite and all plugins. Then I used your link to install the latest version of codelite. Unfortunately I encountered a whole lot of errors.

error: wx/intl.h: No such file or directory
error: wx/statline.h: No such file or directory
error: wx/gdicmn.h: No such file or directory
error: wx/font.h: No such file or directory
...and so on

The headers are in the directory /usr/include/wx-2.8 but codelite doesn't seem to find them. I also removed all path under "tags settings", Codelite restored them, but it still doesn't work.
What went wrong this time? Are there any libraries missing?

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Re: IntelliSense for CodeLite 1.x?

Post by eranif »

1) when posting build errors, *dont* truncate the output. The errors you pasted here are worthless and are only the symptoms of the problem.
2) My guess: you are building the Debug configuration, and you probably dont have wxWidgets-debug installed (

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dbg

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Re: IntelliSense for CodeLite 1.x?

Post by sharth »

1) when posting build errors, *dont* truncate the output. The errors you pasted here are worthless and are only the symptoms of the problem.
Please excuse my ignorance on that subject. It's just working fine now after installing the missing wx-libs.
Thank you for your assistance!

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