"Customize/Custom Build" does not work as expected....?

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"Customize/Custom Build" does not work as expected....?

Post by khaos »

Hi everyone.

I just discovered CodeLite (by accident actually) and finally it seems like I've found the IDE I was really looking for. Unfortunately I've run into a slight problem. The projects I am currently working on are using cmake pretty heavily, so I tried CodeLite's "custom build" feature. As a test I created a new workspace, added a custom makefile project and configured its "custom build". I put a small cmake test project in it, ran "Run other" which reported no error but also created no makefiles (so the cmake call didn't work as expected). After further investigation I figured that CodeLite is always calling cmake from the workspace directory and not from the project or working directory, no matter what I have configured as working directory in the project's settings.

My question now is: Is this the way it is intended and I'm mixing things up with workspaces and projects? Or is this actually a bug?

By the way, I am using v2.9.0.4684 w/ wxGTK v2.8.11.0 on an up2date x86_64 Gentoo system.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance...

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Re: "Customize/Custom Build" does not work as expected....?

Post by eranif »

Looks like a bug to me.
However the solution is simple:

Instead of using 'Run other'

Define a new target named 'cmake' (from the 'project settings dialog | Customize | Custom Build' page)
with the proper command (e.g. cmake) and the working directory set to $(ProjectPath)

This will create new entry in the project context menu named:
'custom build targets -> cmake'

This how I use it with qmake / configure
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Re: "Customize/Custom Build" does not work as expected....?

Post by khaos »

Hi Eran,

thanks for your swift answer and sorry for my late reply (was busy as hell).

Your suggestion worked fine and is (IMHO) even more intuitive in terms of naming style. 8-) So far I really have to praise CodeLite as the best (free) IDE I've tried and I'll surely recommend it to others. It works like a charm. Is there a git plugin in development by you or a 3rd party developer? And may I suggest that CodeLite complains in case of certain make errors like when make finds no makefiles (code 2). This would come in handy because otherwise CodeLite always reports a successful build even if something in the build system went wrong (cmake generated no makefiles, wrong directory used -> no makefile available).

Last but not least, wxWidgets feels a bit sluggish in terms of response time. Have you ever considered switching over to Qt? I haven't looked at CodeLite's code yet, so I've no idea how bad such a transition would be... just curious.

Thanks again,
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Re: "Customize/Custom Build" does not work as expected....?

Post by eranif »

khaos wrote:Last but not least, wxWidgets feels a bit sluggish in terms of response time. Have you ever considered switching over to Qt? I haven't looked at CodeLite's code yet, so I've no idea how bad such a transition would be... just curious.
~1300 source files.
Better wait for the wxQt port :D (which is in progress)
khaos wrote:Is there a git plugin in development by you or a 3rd party developer?
Nope. The thing is that I develop plugins mostly when I need them for my daily work (this is why I got the SVN plugin)
Maybe DavidGH could implement one (hint hint) he is much more familiar with GIT than me
khaos wrote:Last but not least, wxWidgets feels a bit sluggish in terms of response time
For me it is very fast under Linux. Can you be more specific about what "sluggish"?

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Re: "Customize/Custom Build" does not work as expected....?

Post by khaos »

eranif wrote: Better wait for the wxQt port :D (which is in progress)
Nice, didn't know there was work being done in that direction. I'll have to check that out...
eranif wrote: For me it is very fast under Linux. Can you be more specific about what "sluggish"?
Urgh. Forget about it. After further investigation, it turns out it was a bug on my system. Works now as responsive as it should be I guess. :-)

By the way, how come that CodeLite is such a flexible and pleasant to work with (actively maintained) IDE and it's still not that widely known? I'm just surprised why it is not getting much more exposure. :-?

Is there a roadmap posted somewhere with mid- to longterm goals? Or do you implement things as you go on a as needed basis? And are you mostly working alone on CL or are there more developers? Sorry for my nosy questions but there are only sparse informations available on the web about CL and I'm simply interested.

Keep up the great work!

So long,
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Re: "Customize/Custom Build" does not work as expected....?

Post by eranif »

khaos wrote:By the way, how come that CodeLite is such a flexible and pleasant to work with (actively maintained) IDE and it's still not that widely known? I'm just surprised why it is not getting much more exposure. :-?
Well, codelite is the new kid in the neighbourhood ...

It was matured at around 2008 add to that my poor PR skills ;)

It is mostly spread from blogs / forum posts etc.

I remember the days that codelite had ~100 downloads per month, now there are over 25,000 downloads per release cycle (which is between 1.5 - 2.0 months)
And I am not taking into account people who are using codelite on FreeBSD / SVN or installing it via Synaptic under Ubuntu (codelite is packaged separately under Ubuntu)
khaos wrote:Is there a roadmap posted somewhere with mid- to longterm goals?
Mostly on-demand features- unless I really got some free time and then I do some of the long tasks which sits on my TODO list
From the last 3-4 years, I am releasing new builds (installers for Windows/Mac/Linux) per month, usually at the beginning of the month. Recently I started slacking and started releasing new versions on bi-month basis.
Some of the long tasks which sits around includes:
- Integration with clang as an addition code completion engine
- Tighther integration with wxFormBuilder (implementing app-to-app events)
- UI improvments for various plugins, like the CScope/Tasks
- Improvements for the current tagging system (add an option to set search paths for the C++ parser based on project)
- Refactoring: add an option to add 'add forward decl' (small task)
- Refactoring: implement enum-switch-case (when codelite recognises that the value inside switch(..) is an enumerator, it could implement the cases using the rest of the enumerators
- Add option to customise the single toolbar
- add build-errors-assistant. for example: atm codelite can offer to add an include file to an object by right clicking on the class/struct and selecting "Add include file for '...'" - this process can be automated by parsing the compiler output and then suggesting the user to add the missing include files
khaos wrote: And are you mostly working alone on CL or are there more developers?
I wrote 90% of codelite, however many parts of codelite were patched / developed by DavidGH (via patches) and I am considering him a core developer of codelite ;), he also packages codelite for various Linux distros + set up and maintains the codelite repository .
Not to mention that he is the one who is responsible for codelite i18n changes (new in 2.9.0) - which was a huge task

There were other who contributed to codelite like jfouche (pre-processor coloring / common configuration options in the project settings and other ) and scott (which is no longer active) - but this is where the list ends (I think)

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Re: "Customize/Custom Build" does not work as expected....?

Post by khaos »

Hi Eran.
eranif wrote:[
I wrote 90% of codelite, however many parts of codelite were patched / developed by DavidGH (via patches) [...]
Interesting. I guess developers like to use good IDEs but do not so much enjoy working on one. :-) KDevelop for example also has to deal with a lack of developers too. I really would be interested to help out a bit with CL development but at the moment, I am totally in need of time and looks like this is not going to change any time soon, unfortunately. :-(

Reminds me, I wrote some ebuilds for Gentoo (stable and live) a few days back and I wanted to use the system sqlite library instead of the bundled one. Unfortunately I had to put in a few hackish lines into configure because there was no clean way to achieve this apart from rewriting some parts of it which I had no time for. Do you think you could provide an official way to make this possible? Or are there any plans to switch to a more common build system like autotools or cmake?

So long,
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