So codelite ships with a python2 pretty printer. The gdb that ships with ubuntu 13.10 and probably most newer distros ships with gdb compiled with python3 support. This means you'll get syntax errors like
DEBUG>>&" File \"<string>\", line 3, in <module>\n"
DEBUG>>&" File \"~/.codelite/gdb_printers/libstdcxx/v6/\", line 279\n"
DEBUG>>&" raise ValueError, \"Top of tuple tree does not consist of a single node.\"\n"
DEBUG>>&" ^\n"
DEBUG>>&"SyntaxError: invalid syntax\n"
DEBUG>>&"Error while executing Python code.\n"
DEBUG>>^error,msg="Error while executing Python code."
The official ubuntu one installed on my machine is version 7.6.1 which indeed produces an error, however, I am using a self compiled gdb with python support enabled
which does not produce an error, but instead prints "hey"
eranif wrote:The official ubuntu one installed on my machine is version 7.6.1 which indeed produces an error, however, I am using a self compiled gdb with python support enabled
which does not produce an error, but instead prints "hey"
Gotcha. Well, i put a issue report in. Converting those .py files to version 3 should work with both versions of python.