A possible bug found in Codelite.

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IDE Question: C++

A possible bug found in Codelite.

Post by mcch5555 »

Dear Sir,

hi! I found a issue. Let me explain below step by step:

Assume if my project store on path -- c:\src\myproject\myCOM_Test\

assume there are many version inside this folder

let say

if I use subst in command prompt with admin right. let say I try type " subst x: c:\src\myproject\myCOM_Test\ver19 "

now X: point to c:\src\myproject\myCOM_Test\ver19

if I start codelite with admin right, and use codelite to create a simple project, I choose to add existing file X: into project

cold lite allow me to add file under X: into my project depend on my choose file type setting ( normally choose *.c;*.h;*.asm;*.mak )

after finishing, I cannot open any file under project view. If I use ctag to collect all symbolic, code lite allow me to search and build a database, however always not allow to open file

Do you know why?

I try not using admin right on "subst" and "execute codelite", result same.


Best & regards

my email: mcch5555@gmail.com